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Unlocking innovation in healthcare: The case of the patient innovation platform.

Click here to read Pedro Oliveira’s new publication on California Management Review!

Knowledge Centers' first annual meeting!

Last September Nova SBE organized the first Annual Meeting of the Knowledge Centers (KCs).

Nova Junior Consulting at the Finnish Embassy

Nova Junior Consulting collaborates with Aalto University School of Business on a project to identify business opportunities for Finnish companies in the energy sector in Portugal

NovaSBE's students at the UNESCO's Earth University

After winning the "Team Up for Climate" competition by Fundação Egis, a group of NovaSBE's students was invited to present their project at UNESCO's Earth University

Tales of the field- a new series in the Design Thinking Roundtable

Anne-Laure Fayard launched the first episode of Tales of the Field, a new series in the Design Thinking Roundtable Podcast

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Symposium

Last July, the Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute hosted the inaugural The conference brought together academics from around the globe doing research on topics related to entrepreneurship and innovation. You can check the agenda below. Research topics included: 1. Can road access spur rural entrepreneurship? [presenter Lakshmi Naaraayanan (London Business School) and discussant Francisco Queiró (Nova SBE)) 2. The Finance Wage Premium and Entrepreneurship [presenter Isaac Hacamo (Indiana University) and discussant: Ramin Baghai (Stockholm School of Economics)] 3. Credit Market Equivalents and the Valuation of Private Firms [presenter: Niklas Hüther (Indiana University) and discussant: Nick Hirschey (Nova SBE)] 4. Going Public and the Internal Organization of the Firm [presenter: Merih Sevilir (ESMT-Berlin and Halle Institute for Economic Research) and discussant: Ekaterina Gavrilova (Nova SBE)] 5. Do Startup Patent Acquisitions Affect Inventor Productivity? [presenter: Joan Farre-Mensa (University of Illinois at Chicago) and discussant: Pranav Desai (Nova SBE)] 6. Customer Data Access and Fintech Entry: Early Evidence from Open Banking [presenter: Will Gornall (University of British Columbia) and discussant: Fernando Anjos (Nova SBE), an annual academic conference to discuss research on entrepreneurship and innovation.

Nova SBE at the Youth and Innovation Forum

Daniel Traça participated in the Youth and Innovation Forum at the United Nations Ocean Conference.

New Careers and Volunteering Opportunities page just lauched!

This Careers and Volunteering Opportunities page can be found in NovaSBE's Social Database

Zona de Impacto: From post-covid recovery to tha lack of human resources, what changed in tourism?

This episode touches on the 'motor' of the Portuguese economy, tourism. This economic activity went through 'gloomy' days during the pandemic and lost many human resources. NovaSBE's professor Sérgio Guerreiro and the students Isabel Morgado dos Santos and Maria Pacheco analyzed the topic in a conversation with Expresso.

NovaSBE at the United Nations Ocean Conference

Antonieta Cunha e Sá participated in the United Nations Ocean Conference, where she was a moderator and spoke on Economics, Sustainability and Climate Change

Eduardo Costa distinguished at Role to Play awards

Eduardo Costa won the first prize in Role to Play Awards, in the “PhD Student Thesis” category.

2022 NOVAFRICA Conference Economic Development marked the 10th anniversary of the center

Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center held the 2022 Conference Economic Development, an event that was part of Nova SBE's sustainability week and which marked the 10th anniversary of the center.

Energy justice issues in renewable energy megaprojects: Implications for a socioeconomic evaluation of megaprojects

Click here to read Stewart Clegg, Shankar Sankaran, Ralf Müller, and Nathalie Drouin’s text published in the International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

Nova SBE Data Science project awarded

Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center project "Identifying Deviant Behavior Patterns on the First Sale of Seafood", was awarded an honorable mention at the prize-giving ceremony of Prémios Verdes, by Revista Visão and AdP - Águas de Portugal.

Nova SBE has a new Knowledge Center!

The Nova SBE Open & User Innovation Knowledge Center (OUI) brings together a worldwide network of leading researchers and practitioners to produce and disseminate high-quality research-based knowledge in the field of innovation management, open user, patient innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Mindfulness, beyond well-being

During the two years of the pandemic, many companies explored ways to remotely improve employees’ well-being and involvement. Mindfulness became an even more common offer in companies to manage employees’ stress levels. Click here to read Samantha Sim’s opinion article published in Human Resources. The text is in Portuguese.

What can be done to solve the lack of teachers in schools?

About twenty thousand students started last year’s third period in schools without some classes due to a lack of teachers. How to respond to this imbalance and what can be done to respond to the lack of teachers in schools were starting points for the 3rd episode of Consulta Pública (Antena 1) with Luís Catela Nunes as the main guest.

Zona de Impacto: Mentalities evolved; however, women are still discriminated in the job market. Why?

Statistics are known. Women have a higher qualification rate than men, but they receive less (for the same jobs) and are more precarious. When it is time to reach roles of responsibility, they have a harder life (and, as the companies get bigger, the worse it is). The topic is old, solutions take a long time to produce effects, and this worries the youth. Marta Everard and Rita Mendes, students at NovaSBE and members of the club Women on Board, explain how they perceive their labor’s future

Gender differences in different assessment systems: the teacher's gender role

Nova SBE participated in Encontro de Ciência 2022 where Ana Balcão Reis presented “Gender differences in different assessment systems: the teacher’s gender role” on gender equality and education. Click here to watch the video in Portuguese.

Zona de Impacto: Let´s talk about students’ evaluation? Are there any advantages to keeping national exams?

In the last two years, because of the covid-19 pandemic, national exams didn’t count for the conclusion of high school, only for access to college. Does it make sense that this turns into a rule from now on? This is analysed and debated in this episode of Zona de Impacto by the researcher and student of NovaSBE Catarina Ângelo and Pedro Freitas and teacher Ana Balcão Reis.

The gender gap at the top: The role of networks

Here you can read the work by José Tavares, in co-authorship with Sharmin Sazedj (Banco de Portugal), in VoxEU. They analyze through data from Portuguese firms the role of professional networks in the gender pay gap among top executives.

Design Research for Sustainability

In this episode, Anne Laure Fayard talks to Joana Casaca Lemos, a design researcher passionate about sustainability innovation, who shared her view on design for sustainability and related terms like planet-centered design and circular design. Click here to learn more about the podcast and the episode.

“How Do Acquisitions Affect the mental health of employees”

This is the title of the paper Rui Silva presented at the 49th European Finance Association. Click here to read the abstract and access the paper!