
14. Life below water
Nova SBE Data Science project awarded
This is a Social Equity Initiative project, a partnership between Fundación "la Caixa", Banco BPI and Nova SBE, that was developed in partnership with Associação Natureza Portugal/World Wide Fund for Nature and Docapesca - Portos e Lotas, S.A. Congratulations to the team!
This project was also the winner of the second edition of the Data for Change competition.
The project aimed to use data analytics to shed light on the trends of the reported and sold fish caught before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, in Portugal, in all national ports. The goal was to understand how fishing activity evolved during and after the pandemic. This exploratory project was also an experiment on whether a predicting tool is feasible and useful for better and environmentally friendly management of the fishing industry.
The project's public report (in Portuguese) and a short video are available here, in Portuguese.