
17. Partnerships for the goals
Knowledge Centers' first annual meeting!
The goal was to foster inter-KCs collaborations, namely, to strengthen international and national research grant applications. The event was open to members of the KCs, core faculty, researchers, and PhD candidates. The one-day meeting included the presentation of the nine KCs —the team, research interests, databases, methodologies, and/or other aspects deemed relevant – and the presentation of ongoing/potential or finished projects that could have a follow-up. The presentations aimed to reflect on potential collaborations with the other KCs. This year edition was organized by Judite Gonçalves, from the Health Economics & Management KC, with the support of the Research & Innovation Funding and the Research Office. The KCs will rotate and each will organize the meeting in the coming years. Nova SBE’s KCs are Data Science KC, Economics for Policy KC, Economics of Education KC, Environmental Economics KC, Finance KC, Health Economics and Management KC, Leadership for Impact KC, NOVAFRICA KC, and the Open & User Innovation KC. We hope this Annual Meeting will bring the KCs closer together and provide a fruitful ground for strong research collaborations.