
17. Partnerships for the goals
2022 NOVAFRICA Conference Economic Development marked the 10th anniversary of the center
According to Cátia Batista e Pedro Vicente, NOVAFRICA academic directors, “the 10 years of NOVAFRICA have been a decade of working to improve people’s life, producing, and disseminating evidence-based research to fight poverty. We are very proud to be part of the solutions to bring prosperity to the African continent and the world at large, producing rigorous evidence to inform the design of policies with a positive impact on promoting business and economic development aligned with sustainable development goals.”
The conference brought to discussion topics such as financial inclusion, gender equality and migrations covered by the national media such as Jornal Económico, Jornal de Negócios, Porto Canal, Correio da Manhã, Expresso, CNN Portugal, Visão, Observador, among others. The texts are in portuguese.