Editorial from
Antonieta Cunha e Sá
Scientific Coordinator of the NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center and Full Professor at Nova SBE
July 16, 2024
14. Life below water

14. Life below water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

NovaSBE at the United Nations Ocean Conference

Antonieta Cunha e Sá participated in the United Nations Ocean Conference, where she was a moderator and spoke on Economics, Sustainability and Climate Change

Antonieta Cunha e Sá was a moderator at the Maritime Spatial Planning: tool for sustainable and inclusive economic Development panel at the United Nations Ocean Conference. She was also an invite speaker in the Fórum de Economia | Alterações Climáticas e Economia carried out by Banco de Portugal. In this session, it was intended to bring together a group of elements from civil society, academia, the business sector and public and private entities, to discuss the results of the Banco de Portugal study Climate Change and the Economy: an introduction by Bernardino Adão, António Antunes, Miguel Gouveia, Nuno Lourenço and João Valle e Azevedo. She also attended the AERNA-CE3-UAM webinar where she presented “Crowdfunding vs. Taxes: Does the payment vehicle influence WTP for Ecosystem Services protection?”

Click here to see the powerpoint presented in the session and here to learn more about the United Nations Ocean Conference

Antonieta Cunha e Sá
Scientific Coordinator of the NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center and Full Professor at Nova SBE

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