Editorial from
Data Science Knowledge Center
July 16, 2024
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

New Careers and Volunteering Opportunities page just lauched!

This Careers and Volunteering Opportunities page can be found in NovaSBE's Social Database

The Social Database is an open data platform that aims to promote knowledge about the social economy sector.

This project is part of the Social Equity Initiative – a partnership between Fundación ”la Caixa”, BancoBPI, and Nova School of Business and Economics.

The Careers and Volunteering Opportunities page aims to gather and promote all job opportunities in the social sector. It is helpful both to Social Organizations, who can post job opportunities, volunteering work and the desired profiles; and to professionals and volunteers who can access all opportunities made available at the Database.

You can access the page by clicking here and subscribe to its newsletter here.

Data Science Knowledge Center

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MAZE Impact: 4 years of Social Impact Bonds

Portugal has been leading the way for social innovation worldwide and is now the third country in the world with more Social Impact Bonds. Learn more about this innovative tool that aligns incentives of private investors, social organizations, and public sector entities.

The local-for-local open innovation platform Nestlé Hatcher

Our first series dedicated to impact in Africa end with this lively and exciting conversation between Professor Filipe Alfaiate and Mr. João Barreto, the Head of Innovation and PMO at Nestle, based in South Africa. They discussed impact journeys, the BOP market in Africa, opportunities and challenges and in particular, a very interesting local-for-local open innovation platform for all in Africa called Nestlé Hatcher that João designed and launched. Good learnings!

Sustainability: Is it the future?

In this episode of the Podcast Cruzamento Daniel Traça speaks about sustainability, our country's opportunities in this area, and the creation and attraction of talent.

Design Thinking Roundtable podcast has a new episode!

Listen here to the new episode “Tales of the Field with Tonya Gayle, Executive Director of Green City Force (GCF) and an advocate for economic justice for young people of color”


Weaving Empowerment: The Jaipur Rugs Revolution

Join us in this insightful episode as we explore the inspiring journey of Jaipur Rugs, a pioneering enterprise transforming lives through innovation in the carpet industry.

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