
Nova Social Consulting - Student Club

Nova Social Consulting has been providing pro-bono consulting services for actors of the Portuguese social & environmental sector for over a decade, powered by a dedicated community of high-profile students from Nova SBE.

Elderly Fraud Research

Nova SBE Behavioral Lab's research program tackles two important questions: Are older people more likely to be chosen as targets of fraud? And are they in fact, more likely to succumb to fraud, if targeted?


The Inclusive Community Forum presents a pilot project of the Journey to Empowerment

Surf Social Wave Association partnering with Nova SBE for unemployment

The Surf Social Wave Association is a partner organization of Nova SBE. SSW uses Surf as a tool to empower unemployed people to return to the labor market. On our campus, some program sessions are taught by our main Faculty. Get to know the project better and watch testimonials by Luís Veiga Martins and Rita Campos e Cunha.

Reducing biased information processing to increase compliance with measures recommended by the NHS for the prevention of Covid-19

The Nova SBE Behavioral Lab explored how a cognitive bias - called confirmation bias - affects people's decision to follow the SNS recommendations regarding the prevention of COVID-19 and teste da simple and economical intervention to improve the compliance rate.

Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter January-February

This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.

MAZE Impact: 4 years of Social Impact Bonds

Portugal has been leading the way for social innovation worldwide and is now the third country in the world with more Social Impact Bonds. Learn more about this innovative tool that aligns incentives of private investors, social organizations, and public sector entities.

Inclusive Recruitment at CUF

CUF shares best practices of inclusion resulting from their active participation in the Commitment to Inclusion by the Inclusive Community Forum.


Transformers is a Global Movement of people who make a difference through what they love to do.

Patient Innovation

A platform created for patients and those who care about them to share and access useful solutions to cope with their diseases.

Who counts in Sustainability? People, Planet, Profit.

Michael Parkes, CEO/Founder of BIOS, welcomed our new Masters' students 21/22 with a great talk on the topic of sustainability.

The importance of having a job

In this Inclusive Future video, Parth Dwarkadas shares his responsibilities and experience of working at Nova SBE.

The campaign that made a difference at GALP

Galp shares best practices of inclusion resulting from their active participation in the Commitment to Inclusion by Inclusive Community Forum.

Social Leapfrog Program

The Social Leapfrog is a 3-year reflection and capacitation program for social hybrid organizations to make them leapfrog in terms of impact and sustainability.

Pulse – The Heartbeat of Your Ideas

Pulse – the best talent to build the best campus


The Inclusive Community Forum participated in RTP's Sociedade Civil and shared insights about inclusion of people with disabilities in Portuguese companies.

Does the Past Have a Future? A Study About the Impact of National Health-Care Services on Traditional Medicine in Indonesia

Researchers from Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center explore the impact of the increase in healthcare services provision on the demand for traditional practitioners in Indonesia.

ProFuturo: Evaluating the impact of the technology-based program Aula Digital in primary schools

A Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center project evaluating the impact of the technology-based program Aula Digital in primary schools of Luanda, Angol. We measured increased student performance, mediating outcomes, and students’ non-cognitive skills.

Belief Systems and Health Behaviors in Guinea Bissau

This project: How much of low demand for preventive health care can be explained by lack of awareness or knowledge and the extent to which knowledge and beliefs on health are shifted.

The Impact of the Regulatory Environment on Digital Automation in Professional Services

Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center's project explores the current state of play in digital automation and the potential for further automation in engineering, architectural, legal, and accounting services across the EU.

Finance Talks

Finance Talks are monthly informal discussion sessions that bring together students, faculty, and invited corporate guests to discuss relevant topics in Finance.


The Inclusive Community Forum participated in SIC Notícias's Imagens de Marca and shared the key challenges and benefits of diversity and inclusion

Identify and Qualify Fraud in Health Services in Portugal

Researchers from Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center are developing a project with the Governmental Agency for Health Activities Inspection to identify and qualify fraud in Portugal’s health service.

Integrating Immigrants as a Tool for Broad Development

The integration of Immigrants can contribute to sustainable economic growth! The goal of NOVAFRICA’s first project in Portugal: “Integrating Immigrants as a Tool for Broad Development: Experimental Evidence for Portugal and Cape Verde.”

Conquering Cancer: Mission Impossible

Pedro Pita Barros, Nova SBE Health Economics & Management KC Scientific Director, is a member of the Mission Board for EU Mission on Cancer, developed under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation with an ambitious goal: “By 2030, more than 3 million lives saved, living longer and better”.