14. Life below water
The Ocean Economy in Portugal: An Investors’ Guide
Worldwide, the ocean economy is becoming more and more critical. This is also true for Portugal, which has a vast coastal area as well as a robust institutional framework for the development of blue economy activities.
The purpose of this project is to produce a guide that shall provide potential investors with the most relevant up-to-date information on both established and emergent sectors that compose the blue economy in Portugal in order to create economic value and foster sustainable growth. The guide contains general information on economic indicators, regulatory, labor, and taxing aspects, among others. Additionally, it points out what are considered to be the areas of opportunity for future developments in the sector, and it includes specific information on current trends, availability of human resources, funding sources and a business and institutions directory for each of those areas
Funded by: Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento
Researchers: Maria Antonieta Cunha e Sá, Luís Catela Nunes, Carina Silva, Renato Rosa