
SDG Journey Program: a new initiative to identify Nova SBE’s SDG Ambassadors

Two CEMS’ representatives joined Role to Play to draw a new program that promises to unite the community to contribute even further for the SDG Agenda. They are Melusine and Charlotte. Get to know them and the project!

Menos Hub

Menos hub is a social organization that was born with the mission of simplifying the creation of micro-businesses to allow anyone to create their opportunities.

MarES - Changing uses and values of marine ecosystem services

MarES recognizes that global changes in climate and human activities may affect the utilization of marine ecosystem services.

Create and get involved in projects now!

Here, you can choose to participate in ongoing initiatives or propose new ones to the community. At the end of each academic year, you will get your Global Commitment CV, with your measured contribution to the UN SDG.

Evaluation of the social and environmental impacts of the production of biodiesel from recycling waste cooking oils

Nova SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center research project aims to evaluate the production of biodiesel from recycling waste cooking oils and assess its environmental and social impacts.

Emergency food network

The Food Emergency Network was launched to provide a structured response to the damaging impact of the measures taken to prevent the spread of Covid-19, which created extremely difficult situations among the most disadvantaged populations, and to guard against the risk of disruption of food support and isolation.

Integrating SDG across curricula

Part of Nova SBE's SDG Journey, the Sustainability Hub mapped the contribution of our academic programs for the SDGs. The methodology adopted aimed to achieved the most comprehensive understanding of the school’s standing point and what further recommendations to follow.

Conta Connosco - Pro-bono initiative to help fresh graduates

Conta Connosco is an initiative started by a couple of Nova SBE Alumni to create a community of young Portuguese professionals ready to share their experiences and advice.

Dress for Awareness

Conscious clothing, in the message it conveys and in the ways it's made. The clothes we wear are a set of ideals — they shape the world around us. We want to drive conscious behavior blending minimal design, organic materials, and sustainable manufacturing. You wear it, and we donate 100% of our profits. Ready to join?

Nova SBE students develop inspiring projects to "disrupt beauty 2030"

Nova SBE Students Once Again Among the Semifinalists of L'Oréal Brandstorm.

No Bully Portugal - Promoting safe school environments without bullying

We are a non-profit association created in 2016 with the vision of building a country without bullying, where all youth feels happy and safe. We train school communities to provide them with the tools to prevent, stop, and resolve bullying, using a methodology that promotes empathy among students.

Inclusive Recruitment

Discover the different alternatives to implement an inclusive recruitment.

Preventing Islamic Radicalization in Mozambique: Through Faith or Employment?

At a time when Northern Mozambique faces an escalating Islamist insurgency Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center developed a project implemented locally where religious sensitization decreased anti-social behavior.

BCG Case Challenge

The BCG Case Challenge is a consulting project designed by BCG to solve a specific NGO's problem, in which Nova SBE students work alongside BCG and the clients' teams to develop concepts, analyses, and recommendations. In 2019/20, the chosen organization was Teach for Portugal. Here you will find different testimonials on what it meant to participate in the Challenge, from different stakeholders' perspectives.

4 years of Social Impact Bonds in Portugal: a retrospective

Together with MDV - Movimento Defesa da Vida, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Banco Montepio e Portugal Inovação Social, MAZE Impact worked for 4 years on Projeto Família (Family Project), thus preventing the institutionalization of 91% of the children and young people it supported. Our Alumna, Inês Charro, moderated the debate that discussed the results. Watch here.

Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter December

This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.

What Legacy do We Want to Leave for the Next Generations?

Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center's project aims to spark a debate on the impact of today’s decisions on future generations’ well-being.‍ It is part of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Sustainability Programme, which promotes research on economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Orquestra Sem Fronteiras | Orchestra Without Borders

Orquestra Sem Fronteiras (Orchestra Without Borders) exists to support young musicians and reduce social and cultural inequalities through music.

Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter March

This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.

Land Use Change in the Urban-Rural-Forest Interface

Nova SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center research project aims to model private agents’ decisions about whether and when to convert their lands either to reversible or irreversible uses for policy purposes.

How will FinTech impact financial services and society?

FinTech in Iberia and sub-Saharan Africa Report. This is the first output of the FinTech Initiative, a joint partnership between Nova SBE Finance Knowledge Center and Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center, under the Social Equity Initiative, promoted by BPI | Foundation "la Caixa".

Data for Change competition

“Data for Change” is part of the Social Equity Initiative, a partnership established among Nova SBE, ”la Caixa” Foundation, and BPI

Sustainability Marketing Campaign

Oikos Lisbon and CEMS Club Lisbon joint forces and created a series of digital content about sustainability that have been published in Nova SBE’s social media

SARDINHA2020: An ecosystem approach to sardine fisheries management

Sardinha2020 aims at contributing to further integrate economics into fishery policy advice.

Mentes Empreendedoras

Mentes Empreendedoras was created to foster a generation of impact citizens and leaders able to transform themselves and their communities.