4. Quality education
ProFuturo: Evaluating the impact of the technology-based program Aula Digital in primary schools
Primary school coverage has been increasing in many developing countries. Angola is no exception. However, learning indicators such as literacy and numeracy rates are not as optimistic. Many programs have been trying to improve education quality in developing countries, some using technology as part of new pedagogical methods. Computer hardware combined with adaptive-learning software can potentially have a strong positive impact on student achievement. ProFuturo is one of these programs. Its own pedagogical vision goes well beyond the provision of technologic hardware, as it offers an innovative and personalized approach to teaching and learning.
This study aims to evaluate the impact of the ProFuturo – Aula Digital program in the specific context of the capital city of Angola, Luanda, through a randomized controlled trial. The evaluation' score purpose is to measure the impact of the program Aula Digital, revealing its main strengths and which improvements can be made. In order to reach a comprehensive analysis, we propose to measure not only outcomes that illustrate students’ cognitive abilities, such as the ones employing standardized written tests, but also mediating outcomes, namely those related to teacher and student motivation and absenteeism rates, parents’ expectations and satisfaction, and students’ non- cognitive skills such as confidence, cooperation and self-knowledge.
Principal Investigators:
Pedro Vicente (Nova SBE)
Teresa Molina (Nova SBE)
Joana Cardim (Nova SBE)
Field Coordinator:
Carine Canonici Costa
Xaver Schenker
Management Institution:
Telefoncia Foundacion
La Caixa Foundation
This content was originally published in Novafrica.org