Editorial from
Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center
Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center is Nova SBE’s research unit and knowledge center for Health Economics, Health Management, Health Policy, and Public Health. We produce research to create and share rigorous knowledge, empowering well-informed and well-reasoned decisions in health issues, for society’s benefit.
July 16, 2024
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

17. Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

Identify and Qualify Fraud in Health Services in Portugal

Researchers from Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center are developing a project with the Governmental Agency for Health Activities Inspection to identify and qualify fraud in Portugal’s health service.

The project is being developed with the governmental agency for health activities inspection to identify and qualify fraud in Portugal’s health services. They have a sample of 450 fraud reports to analyze and estimate what kind of activities can be considered fraud and how much is spent on fraudulent activities. The main goal is to create a benchmark analysis to be used by policymakers, and understand the magnitude of healthcare fraud in Portugal.

Researchers: Sara Almeida (Nova SBE), Maria Ana Matias (IGAS of the Portuguese NHS).

Funding: Inspeção geral das atividades em saúde

Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center
Nova SBE Health Economics & Management Knowledge Center is Nova SBE’s research unit and knowledge center for Health Economics, Health Management, Health Policy, and Public Health. We produce research to create and share rigorous knowledge, empowering well-informed and well-reasoned decisions in health issues, for society’s benefit.

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Europeans know and act on WHO recommendations during COVID-19

The World Health Organization recommended a range of preventative behaviors to protect the public from COVID-19. This column examines how familiar and compliant the adult population of seven European countries were with WHO’s recommendations. Using individual-level data from 7,000 respondents to an online survey conducted in April 2020, the study finds that information from WHO in the context of COVID-19 was well trusted and largely followed, with heterogeneities by recommendation type, country, and individual level characteristics such as region, age, gender, and education.

Health Literacy — The Value of Good, Timely, Evidence-based Information

In a life-threatening disease for which a cure is not yet discovered, knowledge about the most promising treatments and how to access them can be determinant for a patient’s life.

Retirement age: One size does not fit all

The European population is ageing, challenging both the financial and social sustainability of pension systems. By 2050, Portugal will face one of the most alarming scenarios, with roughly two people aged 65 or more for every three at working age — almost doubling the 2016 figure. Reforms in the health system and the labor market are of utmost importance to ensure our pension system remains financially and socially stable throughout the ageing process of our society.

Entry and price competition in the over-the-counter drug market after deregulation: evidence from Portugal

In the last two decades, many European countries allowed the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs outside pharmacies. This was expected to lower retail prices through increased competition, though evidence of such price reductions is scarce. This study assesses the impact of supermarket and outlet entry in the OTC drug market on OTC prices charged by incumbent pharmacies.


Nova SBE awarded at the 1st edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards

Professors Miguel Ferreira and José Tavares and Nova SBE PhD student Sharmin Sazedj were awarded the first edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards, where they represented Nova SBE

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