
“NOVAFRICA Sustainable Development Talks” podcast episode with Jonathan Weigel

"Optimal Assignment of Bureaucrats: Evidence DRC", with Jonathan Weigel, University of California

Leadership and team management: “The new leader knows how to take advantage of flexibility.”

In the first episode of the podcast “Business@Speed” by PHC Software, Pedro Neves discussed the impact and future of leadership at a time when human capital management is particularly important. Some of the topics addressed include the importance of understanding how companies can respond to the challenges, which mistakes should not be repeated, and the solutions that can facilitate this entire process.

ZONA DE IMPACTO (2): Mental Health is not only our problem, it's also of organizations

Anticipating the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of higher education students, Nova SBE reorganized its student support services. Maria Penas and Mário Vaz, students at Nova SBE, talk about how covid-19 affected their entry into higher education.

Inspiring and building schools to break the poverty trap Uganda and Nepal

In this episode, learn about the exciting journey of 264. Education and its inspiring founders and how they build schools to tackle the source of poverty in impoverished communities in Uganda and Nepal. Wanting to provide every child with a fair chance in life no matter, this enterprise builds local partnerships at bottom of the pyramid. What are the limits, challenges, and opportunities lying ahead?

Who are the poorest and most vulnerable? And what are the options to endure the very cold winter that is coming?

In this 5th episode of the Zona de Impacto podcast, we talk about poverty in Portugal, which has increased in the pandemic, and energy poverty. This subject will be felt again this winter in a significant way in the homes of many Portuguese due to the bad thermal conditions and the vertiginous rise of energy prices. Listen to the analysis by Nova SBE Economics Professor Susana Peralta, together with students and researchers Mariana Esteves and Catarina Pintassilgo

Designing learning experiences for meaningful impact

In this episode of the Design Thinking Roundtable, Professor Anne-Laure Fayard with Ayah Younis discussed human-centred design and how it can improve people’s lives.

Mindsets have evolved, but women continue to be discriminated in the labor market. Why?

The statistics are known. Women have a higher qualification rate than men, but they earn worse (for equal jobs) and are more precarious. When it comes to reaching positions of responsibility, their lives are more difficult (and the bigger the companies, the worse). The topic is old, solutions take time to take effect, and the issue raises concern among young people. Marta Everard and Rita Mendes, Nova SBE students and members of the Women on Board club, explain how they envision their future work.

Let's discuss students' evaluation?

In the last two years, because of the covid-19 pandemic, national exams did not count towards the conclusion of secondary subjects but only towards access to higher education. Does it make sense for this to become the rule from now on? The topic is analyzed and discussed in this episode of Zona de Impacto by researchers and students from Nova SBE Catarina Ângelo and Pedro Freitas, and Professor Ana Balcão Reis.

Color Coded Podcast – New episode out!

Enjoy the new episode of Nova SBE Pride association's colour coded podcast.

Listen to the Oikos club's "Green is the new black" Podcast.

Listen to the Oikos Lisbon club's "Green is the new black" Podcast. This episode is on sustainable diets.

Sustainability: Is it the future?

In this episode of the Podcast Cruzamento Daniel Traça speaks about sustainability, our country's opportunities in this area, and the creation and attraction of talent.

Transforming shopping during Covid 19 in low income township in South Africa

In this episode, we look into Yebo Fresh. A startup that in its first year had to re-invent itself when lock-down first hit in South African, and, as a consequence, saw their volumes grow by thirty times almost overnight. Listen to the impact journey of this a groundbreaking enterprise supplying township communities with affordable on-demand business and home grocery deliveries – something unheard before!

What is the role of science and technology in ESG and Sustainability?

Listen to the new Podcast Cruzamento with Filipe Alfaiate, an award-winning entrepreneur focused on low and middle income countries and Assistant Professor (Adjunct) at Nova SBE.

Educating the Future of Madagascar

In this episode, we look into tensions and complexity for founders with a Western mindset encountered while setting up their impact enterprise in a BOP market (Madagascar) in the education sector. An analysis rooted in a frank and open conversation discussing the target group, affordability, scalability, and ethical concerns with the co-founder of the enterprise Future Madagaskar.

Where should public education policies head to?

Are we preparing students for change in Portugal? What can be done to improve education, which is a key area for national development? How to link educational policies to economic priorities? In this episode of the podcast “Da Capa à Contracapa”, professor Ana Balcão Reis discusses public education policies and the main choices for our country where education is seen as a key area for national development.

ECONOMY: Is the future exclusively in cities?

Over time, history has shown that cities continue to be perceived as the El Dorado of hope for so many people who, having a difficult life in places far from the big cities, look to them as the remedy for their problems. But is it really in the cities that the solution relies upon? Cátia Batista addresses this topic and explains why there is no single answer because, just like countries, cities, and people are not all the same, circumstances also determine the possible solutions for each one.

Incubating the Future in Africa

Learn how a business incubator is unleashing the power of business in Africa to bring prosperity in 10 countries through inclusive agribusinesses. This insightful journey with the enterprise 2SCALE was researched and put together by Lisa Antonissen, Luis Fernando Sosa Flores, Robert Fezer, Viktoria Schwarze, Tomás Ferreira Do Santos Laranjo.

Sustainability and Impact Global Series (1): Innovation to Defeat Hidden Hunger

Nova SBE innovating in the teaching of impact and sustainability! A Master's course is inviting students to design and develop podcasts as their final assignment where they apply the theoretical content to a real enterprise solving unmet needs of the Bottom of the Pyramid.

Design Research for Sustainability

In this episode, Anne Laure Fayard talks to Joana Casaca Lemos, a design researcher passionate about sustainability innovation, who shared her view on design for sustainability and related terms like planet-centered design and circular design. Click here to learn more about the podcast and the episode.

Zona de Impacto: Let´s talk about students’ evaluation? Are there any advantages to keeping national exams?

In the last two years, because of the covid-19 pandemic, national exams didn’t count for the conclusion of high school, only for access to college. Does it make sense that this turns into a rule from now on? This is analysed and debated in this episode of Zona de Impacto by the researcher and student of NovaSBE Catarina Ângelo and Pedro Freitas and teacher Ana Balcão Reis.

Zona de Impacto: Mentalities evolved; however, women are still discriminated in the job market. Why?

Statistics are known. Women have a higher qualification rate than men, but they receive less (for the same jobs) and are more precarious. When it is time to reach roles of responsibility, they have a harder life (and, as the companies get bigger, the worse it is). The topic is old, solutions take a long time to produce effects, and this worries the youth. Marta Everard and Rita Mendes, students at NovaSBE and members of the club Women on Board, explain how they perceive their labor’s future

What can be done to solve the lack of teachers in schools?

About twenty thousand students started last year’s third period in schools without some classes due to a lack of teachers. How to respond to this imbalance and what can be done to respond to the lack of teachers in schools were starting points for the 3rd episode of Consulta Pública (Antena 1) with Luís Catela Nunes as the main guest.

Zona de Impacto: From post-covid recovery to tha lack of human resources, what changed in tourism?

This episode touches on the 'motor' of the Portuguese economy, tourism. This economic activity went through 'gloomy' days during the pandemic and lost many human resources. NovaSBE's professor Sérgio Guerreiro and the students Isabel Morgado dos Santos and Maria Pacheco analyzed the topic in a conversation with Expresso.

Tales of the field- a new series in the Design Thinking Roundtable

Anne-Laure Fayard launched the first episode of Tales of the Field, a new series in the Design Thinking Roundtable Podcast

Design Thinking Roundtable podcast has a new episode!

Listen here to the new episode “Tales of the Field with Tonya Gayle, Executive Director of Green City Force (GCF) and an advocate for economic justice for young people of color”