Africa & Development
Editorial from
Filipe Alfaiate
Adjunct Associate Professor at Nova SBE | Senior Expert on Economic Development and Growth, Sustainability
July 16, 2024
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Chicken and acceptance in Burkina Faso: BOP Marketing

In this episode, we go Burkina Faso and deep dive into how can acceptance be developed for new products at the Bottom of the Pyramid even in situations where consumers are emotionally attached to other products. Check out how grilled chicken in Burkina Faso can teach us about the impact that business can have and how it is different from what NGOs, donors, and Governments can offer.

Nova SBE innovating in the teaching of impact and sustainability!  

From climate change, to poverty or gender inequality, enterprises and businesses are now asked to walk the talk- but what can be done? What is being done? The Grad students of Prof. Filipe Alfaiate course “Leading Impact Enterprises in International Development”,  designed and developed podcasts as their final assignment where they applied the course’s content - and the best podcasts are at the centre of this Sustainability and Impact Global Series!  

This first season has eight exciting episodes exploring how some enterprises in Africa are working towards impact and sustainability. We will look into the tools they use, the challenges they face, how they adapt their pricing, marketing, distribution to commercially reach a growing market of more than 2,5 billion people - with a positive impact!


In this episode, we go Burkina Faso and deep dive into how can acceptance be developed for new products at the Bottom of the Pyramid even in situation where consumers are emotionally attached to other products. Check out how grilled chicken in Burkina Faso can teach us about the impact that business can have and how it is different from what NGOs, donors and Governments can offer.

This insightful journey was researched and put together by Henry George Mitchell, Charlotte Both, Hannah Hoehnke and Alexa Sievers with the support from Nova SBE Professor Filipe Alfaiate and the Teaching assistant Daniela M Afonso.

Listen to Episode 6 by clicking here.

Image illustration by Melissa Schubert, Nova SBE Student.
Thank you MeioTermo for the support.

Filipe Alfaiate
Adjunct Associate Professor at Nova SBE | Senior Expert on Economic Development and Growth, Sustainability

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NOVAFRICA evaluates PROFUTURO in Angola

Pedro Vicente spoke to Geração Digital (RTP Africa) about the impact study of ProFuturo, a program for introducing technology in a school environment, carried out by Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center in about 40 Catholic schools in the city of Luanda, Angola. The work showed that where ProFuturo introduced technology, there were improvements in children's performance, teachers were more motivated, and there was more interaction in the classroom.

Chicken and acceptance in Burkina Faso: BOP Marketing

In this episode, we go Burkina Faso and deep dive into how can acceptance be developed for new products at the Bottom of the Pyramid even in situations where consumers are emotionally attached to other products. Check out how grilled chicken in Burkina Faso can teach us about the impact that business can have and how it is different from what NGOs, donors, and Governments can offer.

Meet Guinanos @ Nova SBE!

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Nova SBE awarded at the 1st edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards

Professors Miguel Ferreira and José Tavares and Nova SBE PhD student Sharmin Sazedj were awarded the first edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards, where they represented Nova SBE

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