
Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter da Spring 2024

This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.

G4G bootcamps are back!

Girls for Girls is a Harvard-born global mentoring program that empowers women to lead.

Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter October

This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.

What changed at Santander

Santander shares best practices of inclusion resulting from their active participation in the Commitment to Inclusion by Inclusive Community Forum

WACT – We Are Changing Together

WACT - We Are Changing Together develops training programs to empower Changemakers, socially engaged individuals with strong entrepreneurial skills, to solve social and environmental challenges.

Summer School in "Spatial Analysis, Land Use and the Environment" in Lima, Peru

Summer School in “Spatial Analysis, Land Use and the Environment”, a partnership between Nova Environmental Economics Knowledge Center and Universidad del Pacífico in Lima, Peru, took place in January 2020.

Information Gaps and Irregular Migration to Europe

60% of young people in Gambia prefer to risk their lives and come to Europe even though they know that 1 in 2 dies during the crossing. A risk leveraged by the very high expectations they have for Europe.These are some of the conclusions of a Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center’s research project.

Economic 1st responders

Partnering with Deloitte and DNA Cascais, Economic 1st Respondents targeted the survival of the ecosystem during the pandemic by reflecting on the necessary adjustments to a new environment and the future.

Digital Acceleration Index @ Scale Portugal

BCG, Google and Nova SBE defined the objective of measuring the digitization of the economy in Portugal, using the DAI survey - Digital Acceleration Index, a benchmark tool developed by BCG and adapted to the Portuguese context by Nova SBE, which has already has been used in more than 5,000 organizations.

One year of iRec materialized in 70 tons of beverage packages being recycled

One year has passed since the iRec initiative was implemented. Here you can read the balance of this first year.

Journey to Inclusion

The Journey specially designed to the companies that aim to be more inclusive of people with disabilities.

Associação Amal – Hope for a New Home

Amal Soap project wants to provide a fresh start to Syrian families through activities that are rooted in their ethnic identity that contribute to their financial stability and integration in the community.

Leadership Observatory Report 2020

The present report is the result of the analysis of 25 interviews with prominent leaders of organizations acting in Portugal in 2019. These interviews focused on the topic of "Leadership Challenges" relating to the leader's personal journey, business and society challenges, talent management challenges, as well as, digital challenges, and work-life balance.

Makers in the Making

Makers in the Making is for all the entrepreneurs that aim to accelerate their innovative ideas. Join us!

Growing from inside out – raising awareness on the SDG

What are the SDGs and Why do they matter for Nova SBE? These were the leading questions for the workshops held online for our staff & faculty.

Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter October

This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.

The Rise of Crowd Funding to Small Business: Dynamic Impacts on Local Credit, Labor Markets, and Investments

Emanuele Rizzo, from the Nova SBE Finance Knowledge Center, was granted the Lamfalussy Research Fellowship from the European Central Bank with a research project aiming to assess the impacts of crowdfunding to small businesses on local credit, labor markets and investments.

Inovação em Saúde por Quem a Pratica [Innovation in Health by Those Who Apply It] Book Launch

Inovação em Saúde por Quem a Pratica [Innovation in Health by Those Who Apply It] Book Launch

The Impact of IRC in the Portuguese Economy

Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center's research project contributes to the analysis of the impact that the tax system and its changes have on the Portuguese economic, social, and legal reality.

Technical Assistance in Behavioral Economics to Combat and Prevent Corruption in International Trade

In a recent project conducted in Guinea-Bissau the NOVAFRICA investigators provided technical assistance in behavioral economics to combat and prevent corruption in international trade.

Public Procurement

Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center explores the current situation of cross-border activity in public procurement in the European Union (EU), updating and expanding previous efforts in assessing participation in cross-border public procurement, with a view to the period 2016-2019.

Evolvia - green & lean consulting

Evolvia offers management consulting that empowers organizations in need to optimize their green and social impact in an innovative way.


An Open Innovation Programme promoted by Nestlé Portugal in partnership with Nova SBE to identify and select the most promising startups and entrepreneurs.

Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter April

This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.

Identifying Crowdfunding Success Factors for Social Projects

Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center developed a predictive model that estimates the likelihood of a crowdfunding campaign reaching its goal.