
Integrating climate change in ocean planning

OceanPlan project is a 3-year research project investigating how marine spatial planning can both be affected by and adapt to global climate change.


PESCARDATA2 is a national study that aims to characterize recreational fishing that occurs in Portugal, encompassing two scopes: recreational fishing modalities and sports.

ASEBIO - Assessment of the Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Well-being in Portugal

ASEBIO aims to quantify the impacts on Ecosystem services (ES) and trade-offs considering different policy scenarios affecting land cover change (LCC) for 2040. The project will provide a better understanding on the impact of LCC on ES, biodiversity and human well-being.


VALPRAD, a research project of Nova SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center, aims to investigate the ecological importance and estimate the economic value provided by seagrass meadows in the Sado Estuary for conservation purposes.

Nova Marketing Student Club – NOMA!

The Nova Marketing Club, currently NOMA Marketing Consulting, was founded in 2015. What started as an internal club for students with a passion for Marketing, is today a professional consulting club focused on strategic marketing for companies in Portugal.

Nova SBE Academy of Purpose Launches the Fidelidade Studio ON Purpose Podcasts

As a place for people and dialogue, Nova SBE launched yet another medium through which it can foster optimism and opportunity – the Fidelidade Studio ON Purpose podcasts, led by Professor Laurinda Alves.

Nova SBE on the team of development of an Ocean degree (a world first!)

Antonieta Cunha e Sá, Economics Professor at Nova SBE, is part of the new Ocean degree core faculty

Now published: “Social Innovation and Social Enterprise”

This handbook compiles contributions of researchers in the field of social innovation and entrepreneurship like Anne-Laure Fayard, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Miguel Alves Martins, and Ricardo Zózimo, professors at Nova SBE

“How does Climate Change Affect Firm Sales? Identifying Supply Effects”

This is the title of the paper Miguel Ferreira presented at the 49th European Finance Association. Click here to read the abstract and access the paper!

Bootcamp for Refugee Integration

The Nova SBE Leadership for Impact Knowledge Center, in partnership with IES Social Business School and the Municipality of Cascais, organized a bootcamp for refugee integration on July 5-7, 2022. The event engaged beneficiaries and stakeholders that together co-created solutions to the integration needs of Ukrainian refugees in Portugal. The sessions involved understanding the roots of the problem, pitches of the solutions created, and a special guest speaker.

“How Do Acquisitions Affect the mental health of employees”

This is the title of the paper Rui Silva presented at the 49th European Finance Association. Click here to read the abstract and access the paper!

Gender differences in different assessment systems: the teacher's gender role

Nova SBE participated in Encontro de Ciência 2022 where Ana Balcão Reis presented “Gender differences in different assessment systems: the teacher’s gender role” on gender equality and education. Click here to watch the video in Portuguese.

Nova SBE has a new Knowledge Center!

The Nova SBE Open & User Innovation Knowledge Center (OUI) brings together a worldwide network of leading researchers and practitioners to produce and disseminate high-quality research-based knowledge in the field of innovation management, open user, patient innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Nova SBE Data Science project awarded

Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center project "Identifying Deviant Behavior Patterns on the First Sale of Seafood", was awarded an honorable mention at the prize-giving ceremony of Prémios Verdes, by Revista Visão and AdP - Águas de Portugal.

2022 NOVAFRICA Conference Economic Development marked the 10th anniversary of the center

Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center held the 2022 Conference Economic Development, an event that was part of Nova SBE's sustainability week and which marked the 10th anniversary of the center.

NovaSBE at the United Nations Ocean Conference

Antonieta Cunha e Sá participated in the United Nations Ocean Conference, where she was a moderator and spoke on Economics, Sustainability and Climate Change

New Careers and Volunteering Opportunities page just lauched!

This Careers and Volunteering Opportunities page can be found in NovaSBE's Social Database

Nova SBE at the Youth and Innovation Forum

Daniel Traça participated in the Youth and Innovation Forum at the United Nations Ocean Conference.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Symposium

Last July, the Haddad Entrepreneurship Institute hosted the inaugural The conference brought together academics from around the globe doing research on topics related to entrepreneurship and innovation. You can check the agenda below. Research topics included: 1. Can road access spur rural entrepreneurship? [presenter Lakshmi Naaraayanan (London Business School) and discussant Francisco Queiró (Nova SBE)) 2. The Finance Wage Premium and Entrepreneurship [presenter Isaac Hacamo (Indiana University) and discussant: Ramin Baghai (Stockholm School of Economics)] 3. Credit Market Equivalents and the Valuation of Private Firms [presenter: Niklas Hüther (Indiana University) and discussant: Nick Hirschey (Nova SBE)] 4. Going Public and the Internal Organization of the Firm [presenter: Merih Sevilir (ESMT-Berlin and Halle Institute for Economic Research) and discussant: Ekaterina Gavrilova (Nova SBE)] 5. Do Startup Patent Acquisitions Affect Inventor Productivity? [presenter: Joan Farre-Mensa (University of Illinois at Chicago) and discussant: Pranav Desai (Nova SBE)] 6. Customer Data Access and Fintech Entry: Early Evidence from Open Banking [presenter: Will Gornall (University of British Columbia) and discussant: Fernando Anjos (Nova SBE), an annual academic conference to discuss research on entrepreneurship and innovation.

NovaSBE's students at the UNESCO's Earth University

After winning the "Team Up for Climate" competition by Fundação Egis, a group of NovaSBE's students was invited to present their project at UNESCO's Earth University

Nova Junior Consulting at the Finnish Embassy

Nova Junior Consulting collaborates with Aalto University School of Business on a project to identify business opportunities for Finnish companies in the energy sector in Portugal

Knowledge Centers' first annual meeting!

Last September Nova SBE organized the first Annual Meeting of the Knowledge Centers (KCs).

Finanças para Todos, NovaSBE Finance Knowledge Center’s new program

A program created in partnership with CFA Society Portugal with the support of Fidelidade