Leadership & People
Editorial from
Inclusive Community Forum
The Inclusive Community Forum is a Nova SBE initiative, aiming to promote a more inclusive society for people with disabilities through structured initiatives that encourage their active participation in the community.
July 16, 2024
8. Decent work and economic growth

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

10. Reduced inequalities

Reduce inequalities within countries and between countries

17. Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

Inclusive Recruitment

Discover the different alternatives to implement an inclusive recruitment.

Inclusive recruitment seeks to promote the employability of people with disabilities by providing greater access to opportunities in the labor market and companies hiring employees with disabilities.

There are two paths that companies can follow to achieve an inclusive recruitment. On the one hand, companies can adapt their internal recruiting process. On the other hand, companies can choose external recruitment, which specializes in including people with disabilities.

Alongside recruitment and selection companies and Private Institutions of Social Solidarity dedicated to the lives of people with disabilities, ICF tested inclusive recruitment with recruitment and selection companies, through the HR4Inclusion pilot program, during the development of the employability topic.

Currently, Argo Partners, Michael Page, Randstad, and Your People can be contacted for inclusive recruitment services.
If you work in a company that wants to hire people with disabilities, or if you are a person with disabilities looking for a job contact these companies!

Still not convinced about hiring people with disabilities? Check out the testimonies of different companies that hired through different ways here:

Inclusive Community Forum
The Inclusive Community Forum is a Nova SBE initiative, aiming to promote a more inclusive society for people with disabilities through structured initiatives that encourage their active participation in the community.

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