Editorial from
Antonieta Cunha e Sá
Scientific Coordinator of the NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center and Full Professor at Nova SBE
July 16, 2024
13. Climate action

13. Climate action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

14. Life below water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Gulbenkian Oceans Initiative Iniciativa Gulbenkian Oceans

This project aims at determining the economic value of some of the ocean's benefits to Portugal.

The Gulbenkian Oceans Initiative (GOI) funded an interdisciplinary research project to determine the economic value of some of the ocean's benefits to Portugal. The project's results seek to contribute directly to adopting new policies, changing existing ones, improving the management of maritime activities, and ensuring the protection of marine ecosystems.

The research project was carried out by two research institutions, resulting in the integration of natural sciences (CESAM, at the University of Aveiro) and economics (Nova School of Business &Economics). Their interdisciplinary approach involved joint work between natural science and social science researchers, thus meaningfully combining knowledge on how marine ecosystems work with knowledge on how people use those ecosystems.

Research efforts were focused on the marine area between Peniche and Nazaré. The project sought to produce a textbook example of economic valuation of the benefits of marine ecosystems and how it contributes to improving decision-making processes and raising marine environmental awareness.

To access project's outputs, please click here for Gulbenkian Policy Brief - Ondas Nazaré and Gulbenkian Policy Brief - Energy

Both documents are in english.

Antonieta Cunha e Sá
Scientific Coordinator of the NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center and Full Professor at Nova SBE

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