How is our community changing the course of the future?
To Nova SBE, positive impact shall have a relationship to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Our community is committed to foster dialogue and action, by disseminating knowledge, launching innovative projects, supporting organizations' transformation, and leading by example, as responsible citizens. This is the space that will provide the know-how so that the best and most innovative talent, such as yours, can play its role. If you want to lead the future and be at the forefront of change, this is your way in.
Nova SBE faculty at Annual Conference on Business, Human Rights and the Environment
Alison E. Holm, Assistant Professor at Nova SBE helped to organize the 3rd edition of the Annual Conference on Business, Human Rights and the Environment in which Pedro Oliveira and Miguel Ferreira contributed as speakers in the topic "Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: From Law to Practice".
Learn morePeak performance: Kilimanjaro leadership quest
In September 2023, Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE) made history as 16 faculty and staff members embarked on an extraordinary journey — the Kilimanjaro Leadership Quest. This ambitious project saw the team conquer Africa's highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro, imparting invaluable leadership, teamwork, and sustainability lessons.
Learn moreA new perspective on the Nova SBE Faculty & Staff Football Team: Fostering Well-being and Unity
In the bustling halls of Nova School of Business and Economics, where minds converge to shape the future of business and society, a lesser-known but vibrant community exists: the Nova SBE Faculty & Staff Football Team. Beyond the classroom walls and office cubicles, this team embodies camaraderie, passion, and a commitment to good health and well-being. Delve here into their story, dissecting it through a fresh lens, and uncovering practical insights that extend beyond theoretical musings.
Learn moreMeet Guinanos @ Nova SBE!
Guinanos is a youth volunteer project created by students from Nova SBE that aims to improve the quality of the educational system in Guine-Bissau. The organization comprises two complementary approaches: work from Portugal (GPG) and fieldwork (Guinanos na Guiné).
Learn moreNova SBE at European Researchers' Night 2023!
Nova SBE was represented at European Researchers’ Night 2023, in Lisbon by the Open & User Innovation (OUI) and Leadership for Impact (LFI) Knowledge Centers (KC).
Learn moreNova SBE Flash Retailent project is there!
THE monthly craft event in which an entrepreneur can have the opportunity to promote sustainable products, services, and behaviors!
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Antonieta Cunha e Sá won the Horizon Europe project
Antonieta Cunha e Sá received a grant for the Horizon Europe programme with the project “Co-creating people-centric sustainable neighbourhoods through urban regeneration (WeGenerate)”.
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“In a country where only 20% of the poor have a job, it is a priority to improve working conditions, which does not only involve raising wages.”
Ricardo Zózimo in an interview with Rádio Renascença talked about the priorities that should be included in the next State Budget, in the light of what the Pope proposes.
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Recruitment of teachers? What should change
Ana Balcão Reis defended in a debate on Ao Vivo (Público) the possibility of introducing new criteria to the recruitment of teachers. Click here to watch it!
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Nova SBE launches the 4th edition of the Nova SBE Road to Impact Report!
We are pleased to announce that Nova SBE has just released the 4th edition of the Nova SBE Road to Impact Report, a document that aggregates the school's sustainability path during the last year, fully aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which are the universal language regarding how the school addresses impact. The report merges with the Research Report, which compiles the most relevant research projects and studies developed by the school's knowledge centers.
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The Extreme Solution
Click here to read an opinion article by Jéssica Lomba on the topic of Extreme Value Statistics
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The waste of water in the clothing industry.
This paper was hold by students in the following of Global Impact Mindset: UN SDG Module of NOVA SBE. The study will focus on the sixth of seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development goals (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all). As the clothing sector is one of the sectors in the industry that waste (responsible for approximately 20% of industrial water pollution from textile treatment and dyeing (Niinimäki, K., 2020)) and consume the most water (79 trillion litres per year), the research will be undertaken on this industry.
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Partnerships for Progress: The Role of Universities in Achieving the SDGs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
This paper was hold by students in the following of Global Impact Mindset: UN SDG Module of NOVA SBE. The article highlights the crucial role of partnerships between universities, governments, and communities in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The article argues that these partnerships can help universities in LMICs to address the challenges of expanding research and academic capacity while maintaining equitable access, promote equitable access to education and research, and design solutions that are responsive to the unique needs and challenges facing these groups. The article also emphasizes that universities in LMICs can act as a bridge between different sectors, facilitating collaboration and cooperation towards the common goal of sustainable development.
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Gender Equality and Human Rights in Sustainable Development Lead
This paper was hold by a student in the following of Global Impact Mindset: UN SDG Module of NOVA SBE. This article will reflect on whether the Sustainable Development Goals are being pursued according to gender-sensitive1 and gender-responsive2 approaches, tackling gender equality at the core of their operations towards inclusive and sustained development, or perpetuating gender disparities, leaving women behind.
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Green Bonds: a step towards a more sustainable Financial Market
This paper was hold by three students in the following of Global Impact Mindset: UN SDG Module of NOVA SBE. Undeniably, society’s concern about being green has been growing tremendously for the past years, and environmental awareness is certainly one of the century's burning issues. Consumers are changing their behaviors, opting for sustainable products, and making more aware choices. However, is consumer focused action the best way to make an impact? Is it the most efficient way to reach SDGs?
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Interview to Mami Umayahara, Team Leader of Technical Support team at the Global and SDG Coordination Department, UNESCO
This interview was held, by five students in the following of Global Impact Mindset: UN SDG Module of NOVA SBE. The purpose of this interview is to know concrete actions led by UNESCO to contribute to SDG #4, Quality education for everyone.
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The importance of data and statistic analysis to the achievement of the SDGs
This paper was written, by a student, as a brief discussion of one of the topics presented in the Global Impact Mindset: UN SDG Module of NOVA SBE. The importance of Data for the achievement of the SDGs is a consensual topic over demographic and organs. Decision-makers require data and statistics that are precise, timely, suitably disaggregated, pertinent, available, and simple to use to properly implement and track progress on the SDGs. Over time, both the quantity and quality of data have gradually increased. Data literacy must be improved at all levels of decision-making, and statistical competence still needs to be strengthened. The data producers and users from various data systems will need to work together on this. In order to solve the complex issues surrounding sustainable development, it will also be necessary to create new methods for producing and using data and statistics.
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The local-for-local open innovation platform Nestlé Hatcher
Our first series dedicated to impact in Africa end with this lively and exciting conversation between Professor Filipe Alfaiate and Mr. João Barreto, the Head of Innovation and PMO at Nestle, based in South Africa. They discussed impact journeys, the BOP market in Africa, opportunities and challenges and in particular, a very interesting local-for-local open innovation platform for all in Africa called Nestlé Hatcher that João designed and launched. Good learnings!
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Chicken and acceptance in Burkina Faso: BOP Marketing
In this episode, we go Burkina Faso and deep dive into how can acceptance be developed for new products at the Bottom of the Pyramid even in situations where consumers are emotionally attached to other products. Check out how grilled chicken in Burkina Faso can teach us about the impact that business can have and how it is different from what NGOs, donors, and Governments can offer.
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Zona de Impacto: Who are the poorest and most vulnerable? And what are the ways to endure the cool winter that is coming?
This episode touches on poverty in Portugal, which has increased during the pandemic, and energy poverty, a theme that will be felt again this winter in many Portuguese households due to their bad conditions and the increase in energy prices
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Thirst Project Nova SBE: Newsletter March
This is a quick read (2-3 minutes) on what are the new ways of approaching the fight against thirst not only around the world but also in Thirst Project Nova SBE. Get to know the new projects of this team of more than 20 students of Nova SBE that constantly try to move people into helping in this cause, also know how to help and how scientific innovation is playing a part on this matter.
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Finanças para Todos, NovaSBE Finance Knowledge Center’s new program
A program created in partnership with CFA Society Portugal with the support of Fidelidade
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Design Thinking Roundtable podcast has a new episode!
Listen here to the new episode “Tales of the Field with Tonya Gayle, Executive Director of Green City Force (GCF) and an advocate for economic justice for young people of color”
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Psychometric evaluation of the Mental Health Quality of Life (MHQoL) instrument in seven European countries.
Click here to access Iryna Sabat’s new article!
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We all have a role to play. What is yours?
We know how much potential each member of our community has. From staff to researchers, from corporate to non-profit organizations. Whether you are producing relevant research, an idea that could be turned into an impactful project, or you're becoming an expert in a sustainability-related field. We want to help you discover your purpose and share it.
We are committed to every single person, and your voice can make a difference.
Join us and help us inspire tangible change.
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Here, you can choose to participate in ongoing initiatives or propose new ones to the community. At the end of each academic year, you will get your Global Commitment CV, with your measured contribution to the UN SDG. If you do not have an email and you would like to get access to this platform, please email us at and we will help you.