Research insight
Editorial from
Alison E. Holm
July 16, 2024
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

17. Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

Nova SBE faculty at Annual Conference on Business, Human Rights and the Environment

Alison E. Holm, Assistant Professor at Nova SBE helped to organize the 3rd edition of the Annual Conference on Business, Human Rights and the Environment in which Pedro Oliveira and Miguel Ferreira contributed as speakers in the topic "Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: From Law to Practice".

What is the “Annual Conference on Business, Human Rights and the Environment”?

The event was organized by Nova School of Law's Center for Business, Human Rights and the Environment, in partnership with Alison E. Holm, Assistant Professor at Nova SBE, who also presented her research on Human Rights Due Diligence and Remedy.

Distinguished speakers and panelists from over 12 countries participated in various sessions, addressing critical topics related to business, human rights, and sustainability.

The conference covered a wide range of subjects, including:

  1. Business and Children’s Rights
  2. Corporate Due Diligence and the Digital Transition
  3. Migrant Workers and Decent Work
  4. Corporate Due Diligence and Capital Markets
  5. Business and Human Rights in Portugal

The NOVA Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment:

The NOVA Knowledge Centre for Business, Human Rights and the Environment is a new, innovative, and multidisciplinary Centre that seeks to foster responsible business conduct that ensures respect for human rights and environmental standards in global value chains, thereby also advancing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.


Miguel Ferreira, the Vice-Dean for Faculty and Research at Nova School of Business and Economics spoke about Responsible Disengagement and Pedro Oliveira, the dean and Calouste Gulbenkian Chair Professor of Nova School of Business and Economics, talked about Business, Human Rights, and Technology.


The conference is co-sponsored by Nova SBE's ERAChair in Social Innovation.

Alison E. Holm

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Lab Grown Food: Opportunity for sustainability or dystopian nightmare?

In 2014, the United Nations issued a report claiming that at current rates of soil degradation, “all of the world’s topsoil could be gone within 60 years”.

Four ideas to embed impact within an organisation

Professor at Nova SBE, António Miguel is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of MAZE – decoding impact, an impact venture created by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 2013, exclusively oriented to support and invest in solutions for social and environmental challenges. In this article, Professor António explores four principles guide to achieve impact at MAZE.


Nova SBE awarded at the 1st edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards

Professors Miguel Ferreira and José Tavares and Nova SBE PhD student Sharmin Sazedj were awarded the first edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards, where they represented Nova SBE

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