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To Nova SBE, positive impact shall have a relationship to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Our community is committed to foster dialogue and action, by disseminating knowledge, launching innovative projects, supporting organizations' transformation, and leading by example, as responsible citizens. This is the space that will provide the know-how so that the best and most innovative talent, such as yours, can play its role. If you want to lead the future and be at the forefront of change, this is your way in.

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Opinion Article

Why is volunteering so relevant?

Only one in ten Portuguese volunteers. So it is urgent to ask ourselves: does volunteering really matter? Seven lessons learned in ten years help to answer.

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Opinion Article

How powerful questions can change the world

Do you believe questions can change the world? I believe they can. In the first LinkedIn article of my life I share how we can ask more powerful & generative questions and share some resources that I found helpful.

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Opinion Article

Have you ever heard about Switzerland?

Finland, Norway, Sweden, all these countries are seen as the dream country to raise your children, but have you ever heard about Switzerland? I’m not talking about its chocolate, inventors, or its capability to shelter its entire human population in nuclear fallout shelters in the event of nuclear war; in fact, what is more, intriguing it’s their education system and the possibility of it being strongly related to the Swiss economy.

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Digital & Technology
Opinion Article

Meet Cyberwrite: the next step in cybersecurity

Crime and illicit activities exist since the beginning of the law-based society as we know it. In recent times, crime has taken a step forward in the way that, following the evolution of technology and the creation of private information networks, crime organizations found this technological revolution as a new approach to commit illegal actions

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Opinion Article

Fantastic Unicorns and Where to Find Them

More than a mythological creature, a unicorn has gained a new application in this century - to designate privately-held startups with a value of over $1 billion.

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A Step Towards a More Sustainable Financial Market

Undeniably, society’s concern about being green has been growing tremendously for the past years, and environmental awareness is certainly one of the century's burning issues. Consumers are changing their behaviors, opting for sustainable products,and making more aware choices. However, is replacing a plastic bag with a paper one the only way of being green?

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Opinion Article

Nice Dress in the Closet, Big Weight in the Shoulders

Dressing up fashionably is becoming an increasingly mindless task. Shop windows change every two weeks with new collections and t-shirts may cost as low as 5$. Amazing, right? You can be on-trend without ruining your budget. Besides, according to some well-known economists such as John Maynerd Keynes, you are contributing to the growth of your economy the more you consume. 

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Opinion Article

The Renewable Energy Sources Act: From words to actions

Karl Marx once said that, until now, philosophers limited themselves to interpret the world; however, the goal is to change it. And change is necessary – human beings reached the current state of evolution due to their capacity to adapt and overcome. This article explores climate change, all its associated consequences and potential solutions. Now, it’s our job to act rather than to react.

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Leadership & People
Opinion Article

Culture, Language, and Colours: How culture affects the decision-making process?

Have you ever thought about why we perceive Germans to be precise people? Or why we consider the Chinese to be math geniuses? In a world where we tend to assume everyone thinks the same as we, members of the Western world, do, and ignore the potential effects of culture, you might be surprised as to just how powerful some of these small differences can be.

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Leadership & People
Opinion Article

A Modern Tale of Cultural Genocide

Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority from Central Asia. Most of them live in the autonomous province of Xinjiang, in China, while smaller communities can be found in neighbouring countries. Recently leaked Chinese government documents shed light on serious human rights violations performed on the province’s Uighur population and the high-scale brutal repression of minorities in China, notably regarding its “re-education” internment camps.

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Opinion Article

What lies behind Singapore’s economic success?

How was this tiny city-state, of just around 5.8 million people, able to succeed in becoming one of the richest countries in the world and a beacon of stability in the region?

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The Portuguese Environment for Startups

The Portuguese government implemented StartUp Portugal, a startup acceleration initiative aimed at rejuvenating the country’s industries, boosting economic growth, and fostering foreign investment, as well as creating an international hub for innovation.

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Opinion Article

From flies in urinals to higher savings rates: How nudging influences our decisions

Nudging has been the start point of many economic studies, particularly in behavioral economics, as it explores how people´s decisions could significantly change predictably by modifying the context of such decisions in a very subtle form. The concept was first introduced by the Nobel Prizewinner Richard Thaler and Professor Cass Sunstein. However, Thaler stressed the point that nudging should be used for good, intending to improve society’s welfare, but has his wish become a reality?

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Opinion Article

Europe’s man on the moon moment: the Green Deal

First presented in December 2019, the European Green Deal is the EU’s current most ambitious project or, as Ursula von der Leyen - European Commission’s President - called it, “Europe’s man on the moon moment”. Aimed at transforming Europe into the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, simply put, the Green Deal is the EU's new growth strategy.

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Opinion Article

The Impact of Globalization on Inequality

Since the European discoveries, several waves of globalization have shaped the way we live today. This article explores actions and effects of globalization.

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Digital & Technology
Opinion Article

Are robots taking our jobs?

A brief overview of technological disruption on industries.

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Opinion Article

Behavioral economics in action: the role of behavioral units in politics

In this era of social networks, communication has reached new levels of virality. The Network of Networks - the Internet - has facilitated the creation of a new status quo: from governments and businesses to common citizens, each piece of information inserted and shared in the Web has the potential (given some very small probability factors) to become viral.

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Opinion Article

From the conference room to Zoom: the future of remote working

Telecommuting, or remote working, has been frowned upon by employers for many years, who feared unsupervised workers would be much less efficient. However, developments in teleconference and telework technology and, most importantly, the constraints imposed by the coronavirus outbreak have brought forward a great increase in the remote workers count and key takeaways.

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Leadership & People
Opinion Article

Populism: Will it stay in lockdown?

In periods of economic distress, politicians who find scapegoats for the current situation are usually acclaimed by citizens that once might have felt discouraged to vote. However, the rhetoric used works as an attempt to divide the population into native members and non-native members and minorities (cultural populism); honest members of the working class and big business owners (socio-economic populism), and victims of corruption and politicians (anti-establishment populism).

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Opinion Article

Lab Grown Food: Opportunity for sustainability or dystopian nightmare?

In 2014, the United Nations issued a report claiming that at current rates of soil degradation, “all of the world’s topsoil could be gone within 60 years”.

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Opinion Article

American lessons

When they are excluded, people do not change to be included, they become more radical, they stop listening and start working in a closed circuit. It is a very human reaction to denying reality.

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Opinion Article

Implementing a strategy is what makes the difference

After so many financial crises and decades of economic crisis with an anemic productivity growth, this architecture, working, would be the real bazooka to transform Portugal for the Portuguese. See if this is it.

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Opinion Article

Commitment to the future

At the forefront of this movement, Nova SBE embarked on a project to develop a similar model, adapting it to the Portuguese reality. The first steps have been very successful.

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Opinion Article

Trust, complementarity, and commitment

In a few years, all companies that survive will be more innovative, more agile, more focused on their purpose, more sustainable. In a word, it will be a new organizational culture for the future.

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Woman working on a puzzle

We all have a role to play. What is yours?

We know how much potential each member of our community has. From staff to researchers, from corporate to non-profit organizations. Whether you are producing relevant research, an idea that could be turned into an impactful project, or you're becoming an expert in a sustainability-related field. We want to help you discover your purpose and share it.

We are committed to every single person, and your voice can make a difference.

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Here,  you can choose to participate in ongoing initiatives or propose new ones to  the community. At the end of each academic year, you will get your Global  Commitment CV, with your measured contribution to the UN SDG. If  you do not have an @novasbe.pt email  and you would like to get access to this platform, please email us at roletoplay@novasbe.pt and we will  help you.