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To Nova SBE, positive impact shall have a relationship to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Our community is committed to foster dialogue and action, by disseminating knowledge, launching innovative projects, supporting organizations' transformation, and leading by example, as responsible citizens. This is the space that will provide the know-how so that the best and most innovative talent, such as yours, can play its role. If you want to lead the future and be at the forefront of change, this is your way in.

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What changed at Santander

Santander shares best practices of inclusion resulting from their active participation in the Commitment to Inclusion by Inclusive Community Forum

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Leadership & People

Interview with Salvador Mendes de Almeida

Nova SBE Professor, journalist and author, Laurinda Alves interviews Salvador Mendes de Almeida, founder of Associação Salvador, to get to know his impactful story. In this inspiring conversation, we understand how did Salvador find his Role to Play towards building a more inclusive society for all and continues to regardless of the challenges caused by the pandemic.

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Opinion Article

The importance of bees on our planet

Insect pollinators are a key element for the equilibrium of the ecosystems that surround us, and bees are an important subgroup because they are responsible for pollinating around 60 to 70 % of the world's total flowering plant species. However, extinction rates have jumped from 100 to 1000 times the normal rates because of many external conditions, like climate change, urbanization. At this point, the questions are the following: is the importance of these little in-sects clear to our society? And, are any measures being developed to avoid these risks?

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Opinion Article

Renewable energy is overtaking fossil fuels in Europe

The structure of energy consumption is changing across Europe Fossil fuels seem to be integrating the whole meaning of their name by increasingly be-coming something of the past. With renewable energy claiming a more prominent place, climate goals are carried through a fresh air of hope.

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Opinion Article

"Foodprint" – The Environmental Impact of Human Diet

Food has been increasingly feeding climate change – not just our bodies: it is currently the main contribu-tor to the Ecological Footprint in many parts of the world. The detrimental effects of our dietary pat-terns on Planet Earth's health have even surpassed those of fossil fuels in the transportation sector for a significant proportion of countries. How are our plates flying higher than planes in the pollution land-scape?

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Opinion Article

RheEnergise: the potential of a startup within the energy storage sector

Understanding opportunities and practical examples within the energy storage sector In at least two-thirds of the world's countries, solar and onshore wind power are already the cheapest alternative energy sources. Nevertheless, the sun does not always shine, and the wind does not always blow. One of the main drawbacks of renewable energy is its intermittency

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Leadership & People
Impactful stories

impACT stories #3: Everything is Possible

Round three for 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 with Salvador Mendes de Almeida, founder and president of Associação Salvador. Salvador is quadriplegic, caused by a spinal cord injury through a motorcycle accident at the mere age of 16 BUT he did not want his condition to hold him back. He created Associação Salvador with the mission of promoting the integration of people with disabilities in society and improving their quality of life.

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Leadership & People
Impactful stories

impACT stories #2: Are we working on the right side?

The initiative continues: after a successful launch, 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 go into round two so we can all find our #roletoplay​. For more discourse about impact, how to seek it, and how to really live it, Joe Santos, co-founder of Vencer Autismo and international speaker, will inspire each of us to think about the question: “Are We Working on the Right Side?” during his talk.

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FFMS - Study on the Housing Market

After a relatively inexpressive evolution in the 1990s and early 2000s, Portugal’s housing prices have been increasing in the recent past, with several consequences and impacts on society. Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center's study aims to analyze different economic and social relevance issues related to the Portuguese real estate market.

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The Impact of IRC in the Portuguese Economy

Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center's research project contributes to the analysis of the impact that the tax system and its changes have on the Portuguese economic, social, and legal reality.

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Fiscal Benefits Evaluation

Nova SBE Economics for Policy Knowledge Center's project, commissioned by the Portuguese Tax Authority, aims to assess the economic impact of three capital tax benefits.

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Research insight

Essays on financial frictions

For the past forty years, the global economy has faced many challenges, including the increasing complexity and sophistication of financial markets, which created a new type of frictions that were in the origin of several recessive episodes such as the 2008 financial crisis. In her PhD thesis, Erica Marujo analyzes the role of financial frictions as a source of business cycle fluctuations.

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PESCARDATA2 is a national study that aims to characterize recreational fishing that occurs in Portugal, encompassing two scopes: recreational fishing modalities and sports.

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B Corp | “Impact Assessment Workshop”

The purpose of this event is to understand how B Corp assesses impact and to explore the process of becoming a certified B Corporation. You will have the opportunity to learn about examples of disruptive impact business models and to clarify any doubts you might have with the representative of B Corp in Portugal! This workshop is held by the Executive Director of B Corp Portugal, Luís Amado, and promoted by Nova SBE Leadership for Impact Student Club.

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Research insight

Strategic alliance research in the era of digital transformation: perspectives on future research

The emerging digital transformation in the twenty-first century is rapidly and significantly changing the business landscape. The fast-changing activities, expectations and new modes of collaboration suggest it is time to review the current theoretical insights from strategic alliance (SA) research, which are based on assumptions from a different era. This paper stimulates multidisciplinary debate and theoretical reflections to better understand emerging paradoxes and challenges that contemporary firms face in the formation, evolution and dissolution of strategic alliances.

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Research insight

How the ins and outs shape differently the U.S. unemployment over time and across frequencies

What is the importance of job finding and separation rates to unemployment variability? This paper adopts a novel lens, wavelet analysis, to tackle the question.

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Being a student entrepreneur

Many entrepreneurs start their journey while they are still studying, but how do they manage to balance their studies and their business? What challenges do they face? How do today's educational institutions cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit in the student body? What are the advantages of starting at such a young age? To help us answer these questions and many more we’ll have Joana Geraldes Barba, Program Manager of Nova SBE Entrepreneurship Hub; Felipe Vieira, Co-Founder and CEO of Networkme ; and João Hugo Silva, Co-Founder and COO of Careforce.

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Research insight

3D printing of your pills

We all know what a pharmacy is: a place where we can obtain chemical products, which we call pharmaceuticals. Not long ago, these products were manufactured at the pharmacy. With the proper scientific advances and the development of modern manufacturing processes, the pharmacy evolved into a place that mostly makes available such chemical products and helps people by counseling them. Pedro Pita Barros enlightened us on this topic.

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Africa & Development
Research insight

Knowledge of vitamin A deficiency and crop adoption: evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique

Vitamin A deficiency is a widespread public health problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper analyzes the impact of an intervention fighting vitamin A deficiency through the promotion of production and consumption of orange-fleshed sweet potato in Mozambique.

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Africa & Development
Research insight

The reach of radio: ending civil conflict through rebel demobilization

What is the role of FM radio in mitigating violent conflict? A study from Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center tries to answer this question.

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Research insight

A source of novelty and/or absurdity: the paradoxes of management

This paper explores paradox, a way of seeing organizations that emphasizes interdependence, opposition and persistence, as both a source of novelty and absurdity.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

Two tales of rumination and burnout: examining the effects of boredom and overload

Although boredom poses serious consequences for employees and organizations, research has paid little attention to this phenomenon, especially when compared to other job experiences such as overload. This study examines the impact of these two sub-optimal experiences, characterized by under- and over-stimulation, on burnout via three facets of rumination.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

A multi-level approach to direct and indirect relationships between organizational voice climate, team manager openness, implicit voice theories, and silence

Employee silence impedes sustainable organizational development, and it can conceal harm for internal and external stakeholders. This research introduces a model proposing ways through which shared implicit knowledge structures emerge in teams and organizations, and how they affect motives to remain silent.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

No more Mr. Nice Guy: social value orientation and abusive supervision

This research examines the interactive effect of subordinates' and their supervisors' social value orientations (SVO) on abusive supervision and its consequence for in-role performance.

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Woman working on a puzzle

We all have a role to play. What is yours?

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We are committed to every single person, and your voice can make a difference.

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