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Leadership & People
Research insight

Dealing with temporariness: generational effects on temporary agency workers’ employment relationships

A major trend in the changing nature of work is the increasing use of temporary workers. Although common among students, older employees have joined the ranks of temporary workers as they extend their work lives. This study explores how different generations of temporary workers respond to human resource practices (HRP), which in turn influences their affective commitment and work performance.

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Research insight

Wellbeing among hospital nurses: a cross-sectional study of the contributions of relational job characteristics

This study examines the relationships between job characteristics and nurses’ work-related wellbeing.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

Exploring a faith-led open-systems perspective of stewardship in family businesses

How do faith-led practices in family firms affect organizational stewardship? This study addresses the question.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

Perceived success of hybrid microorganizations in a contested category

There is scarce research focusing on legitimacy-challenged hybrid and microorganizations and on perceived success under exigent conditions. This study, conducted among complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) microorganizations, explores success as a subjective measure originating from managers’ perceptions.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

How hybrid HR systems affect performance in call centers

What is the relationship between hybrid HR systems in call centers and their effect on workers' performance? This paper tackles the question.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

Strategic agility through improvisational capabilities: implications for a paradox-sensitive HRM

Organizations, especially, multinationals, inevitably confront contradictory challenges. One crucial challenge is the value of strategic consistency versus the value of rapid change related to unexpected problems, opportunities and fast moving trends. This article advances a vision in which firms nourish improvisational capabilities in order to enhance strategic agility.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

Does leader humor style matter and to whom?

The interest on leader humor styles is recent. This paper examines how leader humor styles contribute to performance and deviance via trust in the supervisor and who benefits/suffers the most from different leader humor styles.

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Leadership & People
Research insight

Managing the unforeseen when time is scarce: how temporal personality and team improvised adaptation can foster team performance

Turbulent business environments require responsive teams able to rapidly react to an unpredictable change. This study investigates the role played by team temporal personality in a team's ability to perform well when a disruption occurs, and time is so scarce that planning and execution need to be concurrent.

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Research insight

Effects of self-employment on hospitalizations: instrumental variables analysis of social security data

The importance of self-employment and small businesses raises questions about their health effects and public policy implications. This study explores the relationship between self-employment and health.

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Research insight

Measuring state medicaid home care participation and intensity using latent variables

Population aging and policies to redirect long-term care toward home- and community-based services have led to increases in Medicaid home care spending in most states. This study measures state Medicaid home care Participation and Intensity comprehensively using latent variables, and uses those latent variables to describe changes in Medicaid home care policy generosity over time and across states.

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Research insight

Entry and price competition in the over-the-counter drug market after deregulation: evidence from Portugal

In the last two decades, many European countries allowed the sale of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs outside pharmacies. This was expected to lower retail prices through increased competition, though evidence of such price reductions is scarce. This study assesses the impact of supermarket and outlet entry in the OTC drug market on OTC prices charged by incumbent pharmacies.

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Research insight

Competition and cooperation in mutual fund families

How do competitive and cooperative fund manager incentives affect fund and family strategies and outcomes? ‍The research article addresses this question.

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Research insight

Dataset from 55 experts engaged in nature conservation in Mozambique

This is a dataset from an online and self-administrated survey with 55 experts aware of conservation policies and incentives under implementation in the Niassa National Reserve (NNR), the largest protected area in the country and third-largest in Africa. Data are provided for public use and can serve as a benchmark for collaboration in order to conduct more comprehensive research or for applications in other fields such as mathematics, statistics, and computation.

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Research insight

Student selection and performance in higher education: admission exams vs. high school scores

In many countries, students are selected into higher education institutions based on their achievement at high school, measured by scores given by their teachers and obtained on final national exams. This paper compares these two measures in terms of their ability to predict students' success in higher education.

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Research insight

The effect of a specialized versus a general upper-secondary school curriculum on students’ performance and inequality

Countries differ in their academic upper-secondary school systems whereby some require their students to choose a specialization track from a set of areas – typically natural sciences, economic sciences, or humanities – and follow that specialization for the course of their upper secondary education years whereas, by contrast, others follow a general curriculum in which students are not required to follow a single specialization and thus, may receive a more general education. This research estimates the possible effects on students’ achievement of these institutional differences.

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Research insight

Public funding of higher education: who gains, who loses?

How does public funding of higher education affect individuals' welfare? Ana Balcão Reis, Associate Professor at Nova SBE, conducted research on this topic.

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Research insight

Who seeks reelection: local fiscal restraints and political selection

Which political incumbents are more likely to seek reelection? This paper analyzes the consequences of local fiscal autonomy with respect to political selection.

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Research insight

Extreme temperature and extreme violence: Evidence from Russia

How do extreme temperatures affect violent mortality? This research looks at regional panel data from Russia to address this question.

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Research insight

Fiscal discipline and exchange rates: does politics matter?

This article explores the effect of exchange rate regimes on fiscal discipline, taking into account the effect of underlying political conditions.

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Research insight

Fiscal consolidation programs and income inequality

Following the Great Recession, many European countries implemented fiscal consolidation policies aimed at reducing government debt. This article explores the relationship between income inequality and the impact of fiscal consolidation programs.

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Digital & Technology
Research insight

Algorithmic long-term unemployment risk assessment in use: counselors’ perceptions and use and practices

How can we improve administrative decision-making in the public sector? This study discusses the use of a decision support system that employs an algorithm to assess individual risk of becoming long-term unemployed and that informs counselors to assign interventions accordingly.

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Digital & Technology
Opinion Article

Data Science at the Service of Society

Lénia Mestrinho, executive director of the Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center, addresses how schools and universities are increasing their teaching offer in Data Science to keep up with the demand for this type of skills and the potential benefit of this convergence to society.

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Research insight

A tour of health care: emergency room, hospital and home

In his PhD thesis, Luís Coelho Filipe takes us on a small tour of the health care system (emergency room, hospital and home), with special emphasis on providers.

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Research insight

Three essays on banks’ operational risk disclosures in the European Union: the role of informal institutions, and the association with performance

In her PhD thesis, Florence Basto explores the relationship between both, informal institutions and performance, and operational risk disclosures in the European Union banking industry.

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Woman working on a puzzle

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