Africa & Development
Research insight
Editorial from
Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center
Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center operates since 2011. It is producing applied research on sub-Saharan Africa, where it has collaborated with a number of public authorities, private companies and local organizations.
July 16, 2024
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Networks and Information: An Impact Evaluation of Efforts to Increase Political Participation in Mozambique

This project explores two initiatives to increase voter turnout and political participation in Mozambique, a country with low participation rates.

This impact evaluation explores two initiatives to increase voter turnout and political participation in Mozambique, a country with low participation rates. One of the possible explanations for low turnout and limited participation is insufficient information about political and public issues. In particular, there is a dearth of newspapers, and news paper readership is extremely low in Mozambique. As such, this impact evaluation asks if distribution of a free newspaper with information about upcoming election scan increase voter turnout.


In addition, given the commonality and effectiveness of voter turnout drives in many countries, Mozambican turnout and other political participation could also be increased through more concerted mobilization efforts.


Increased access to information and communication technology offers a low cost and previously unavailable mechanism to promote such participation. As a result, this evaluation asks if SMS campaigns can increase political participation, and, if they can, what type of SMS campaign is most effective.


See more about this research project in this video.

Principal Investigators:

Macartan Humphreys

Pedro Vicente


Field Coordination:

Tiago Almeida





The full content was originally published in

Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center
Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center operates since 2011. It is producing applied research on sub-Saharan Africa, where it has collaborated with a number of public authorities, private companies and local organizations.

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