Africa & Development
Research insight
Editorial from
Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center
Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center operates since 2011. It is producing applied research on sub-Saharan Africa, where it has collaborated with a number of public authorities, private companies and local organizations.
July 16, 2024
8. Decent work and economic growth

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Promoting Correct Fertilizer Use through Information and Commitment Savings using Mobile Money

Promote the proper use and integration of the use of fertilizers in agricultural practices in Mozambique is the goal of this Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center study.

This study aims to promote the proper use and integration of the use of fertilizers in agricultural practices in Mozambique, specifically of the farmers in dryland. The goal is to be able to improve production levels of these farmers through the introduction of mobile money technology – mKesh, a service that allows the use of cellphones to make cash transactions such as deposits, withdrawals or transfers. This project took place in the province of Manica, and included 600 farmers. Each group had access to different features of mKesh, in order to evaluate which of the strands had a better impact on the level of savings and on farmer’s agricultural practices.


Please read here the working paper and here the article published in World Development.

Principal Investigators:

Cátia Batista (Nova SBE)

Pedro Vicente (Nova SBE)

Project Coordination:






Growthand Labour Markets in Low Income Countries Programme


The full content was originally published in

Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center
Nova SBE NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center operates since 2011. It is producing applied research on sub-Saharan Africa, where it has collaborated with a number of public authorities, private companies and local organizations.

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