16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Economy of Francesco (EoF)
The Economy of Francesco (EoF) is a global gathering of economists, researchers in economic models and change makers designed to present the world with distinct ways of thinking about the foundations and impact of current economic models. Inspired by the work of S. Francis of Assiss, the gathering happening in November is now working with young people from all over the world on topics such as finance and humanity, management and gift, vocation and profit and business and peace just to mention some of the 12 themes. Unlike other similar gatherings, the organising team if focused on producing real outcomes that change the way the youth can have a voice in decreasing global inequalities while at the same time creating a stronger connection between economy and environment.
Read related articles in Portuguese: Agencia Ecclesia, Jornal da Madeira, Pontos J, Rádio Renascença.