8. Decent work and economic growth

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

17. Partnerships for the goals
Social Leapfrog Program
In 2019, ”la Caixa” Foundation, BPI, and Nova School of Business & Economics joined forces to launch the Social Equity Initiative, a partnership that aims to promote the social sector in Portugal in the long run. One of the 9 projects in this initiative is the Social Leapfrog program.
The Social Leapfrog Program is a pioneer reflection and capacitation program for up to 10 social hybrid organizations (organizations with a clear social mission that also generate their own revenues through the sale of products and services). The program aims to promote a space for reflection and knowledge transfer over the course of 3 years. The program is divided into 2different stages: the initial diagnosis, during 1 semester for which 10organizations are pre-selected, followed by the experience and consolidation stages, during 5 semesters in total only for the organizations selected from the diagnosis.
The year of 2019 sets the beginning of the pilot and 1stedition of the Social Leapfrog for which 7 out of 10 diagnosed organizations were selected to move forward: A Barragem, Ajuda de Mãe, Alzheimer Portugal, Biovilla, Cercica, Mezze, and Semear.
The 2nd edition of the program started in September 2020 and the 10 pre-selected organizations for the diagnosis stage are: Arcil, Aria, Associação Salvador, CECD, Centro Social de Soutelo, CRESCER, Fundação Dr. José Lourenço Júnior, Just a Change, U. Dream, Vila com Vida.
The ultimate goal of the program is to make these organizations leapfrog in terms of impact and financial sustainability, becoming real case studies of collaboration that can consequently generate replication and more impact.
The Social Leapfrog counts with the support of Nova SBE’s wider community (students, Alumni, faculty, and partners) and includes a varied range of activities on which you can also play your role.