Leadership & People
Editorial from
António Alvarenga
Professor at Nova SBE
November 16, 2022
8. Decent work and economic growth

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Scenarios and the Future I

In these times of great uncertainty, explore the scenarios and foresight methodology and how it may support the decision-making process and strategy redefinition.

In these times of great uncertainty, explore the scenarios and foresight methodology and how it may support the decision-making process and strategy redefinition.

António Alvarenga
Professor at Nova SBE

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Leadership Observatory Report 2020

The present report is the result of the analysis of 25 interviews with prominent leaders of organizations acting in Portugal in 2019. These interviews focused on the topic of "Leadership Challenges" relating to the leader's personal journey, business and society challenges, talent management challenges, as well as, digital challenges, and work-life balance.

Companies are increasingly willing to take risks

Isabel Almeida e Brito e Margarida Castro Caldas shared with PME Magazine the role that the Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) has been playing towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market. The community involvement and the growing commitment of companies towards inclusion, has been key to start transforming the recruitment market, and impressive for ICF to testify. Get to know more about ICF and its partners committed to inclusion, reading this article or checking the project's website.

Creating the Inclusive Community Forum

Rui Diniz, ICF's founder, shares how ICF started and how it is connected to Nova School of Business and Economics.

A Firm of One’s Own: Experimental Evidence on Credit Constraints and Occupational Choice

RESEARCH SEMINAR | Under the the theme Economic Development in Africa, the NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center welcomes Pamela Jakiela from Williams College to present her work on credit constraints, targeting young women in three of Nairobi's poorest neighborhoods.


BOLD Leadership: Nova SBE's Innovative Program for Future Leaders

In an era defined by rapid change and global challenges, the question of what it takes to be an outstanding leader in the 21st century becomes increasingly crucial. Nova School of Business and Economics (Nova SBE) has stepped up to address this query with its groundbreaking initiative: BOLD – Be an Outstanding Leader. This senior manager training program not only equips participants with essential skills but also aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16), emphasizing the role of leadership in creating positive societal impact.

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