8. Decent work and economic growth

17. Partnerships for the goals
The importance of having a job
The Inclusive Community Forum partenered with Design the Future to create the Inclusive Future, an initiative to raise community awareness about the employability of people with disabilities. Through testimonial videos, people with disabilities talk about their work, their responsibilities, and the specific tasks they perform, elaborating on the impact that this job ends up having on their lives.
Work is always a key factor for stability, personal organization, and purpose, and it encourages the personal and professional development of each person, with or without disabilities.
Parth Dwarkadas has been a maintenance technician at Nova SBE since 2018 and shares that "having a job allows me to organize my life and learn new things."
The recruitment of people with disabilities is relevant not only for the employee. Companies also earn a lot. Employees with disabilities bring significant transformations to their teams, which become more cohesive, more attentive to others, and more aware of embracing disability.
When considering hiring any person, the essential is their skills and match with the company's needs. All people have skills and competencies, regardless of their disabilities. The important thing is to discover these skills and put them to work, to capitalize on them.
That is the shift that companies must seek to become more inclusive (official link):