Research insight
Editorial from
Ana Catarina Silva Alvarez
Nova SBE PhD Alumna
July 16, 2024
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.

Reforming local governance: fiscal federalism and political accountability

In her PhD thesis, Ana Catarina Alvarez explores three reforms implemented in Portugal to obtain causal inference about the manifold impacts of the rules that shape local government behavior.


This thesis explores three reforms implemented in Portugal to obtain causal inference about the manifold impacts of the rules that shape local government behavior. The first chapter focuses on the electoral response to a property tax reform, aiming to promote a higher degree of decentralization and autonomy of municipalities. The second chapter tests the hypothesis of tax capitalization by exploring an unexpected reduction in the upper bound of the property tax rate. The last chapter - using an original dataset on mayors' characteristics - exploits a recent reform introducing mayoral term limits to identify its causal impact on political selection.

This PhD Dissertation was presented by Ana Catarina Alvez as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics. You can access the paper here.

Ana Catarina Silva Alvarez
Nova SBE PhD Alumna

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Does more confinement mean more or less savings?

More radical containment strategies may harm the economy in the short term but have more desirable economic and social consequences in the medium and long term. The exposed article results from the partnership between Jornal Económico and Nova Economics Club, the group of students of Economics of the Nova School of Business and Economics.

Unconditional Basic Income: Can we afford it?

The covid19 pandemic has brought back the discussion on Unconditional Basic Income, as a possible solution to tackle some of our current and future challenges. The experiments and initiatives in the US (e.g. Mayors for Guaranteed Income) and the surge in pilots in Europe (e.g. most recently in Berlin) have triggered the debate, and raised new questions about the prospects of implementing such a policy. Watch this discussion jointly organized by CEPS - University of Minho and Nova SBE Economics of Policy.

Implementing a strategy is what makes the difference

After so many financial crises and decades of economic crisis with an anemic productivity growth, this architecture, working, would be the real bazooka to transform Portugal for the Portuguese. See if this is it.

“NOVAFRICA Sustainable Development Talks” podcast episode with Jonathan Weigel

"Optimal Assignment of Bureaucrats: Evidence DRC", with Jonathan Weigel, University of California


Nova SBE awarded at the 1st edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards

Professors Miguel Ferreira and José Tavares and Nova SBE PhD student Sharmin Sazedj were awarded the first edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards, where they represented Nova SBE

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