9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Farmer Participatory Experimentation in Mozambique
A collaborative effort with the Sustainable Villages Project and the Ministry for Science and Technology of Mozambique.
The use of improved agricultural technologies (such as fertilizers or improved seeds) is very limited in Mozambique. We conduct a randomized field experiment to evaluate the impact of smallholder farmers’ own experimentation with new agricultural technologies on adoption of these same technologies.
The project takes place in the district of Molumbo, Zambezia, to analyse the effect of teaching farmers how to experiment with new agricultural technologies on their farms on the adoption of these agricultural technologies. The intervention is combined with different degrees of technical extension assistance and of village dissemination of the results of the main intervention.
This Impact Evaluation study is conducted within the Islamic Solidarity Fund for Development (ISDF) Sustainable Villages Project (SVP) in Mozambique.
Read here the Pilot Project Report.
Principal Investigators:
Cátia Batista (Nova SBE)
Gharad Bryan (LSE)
Dean Karlan (Yale University)
Field Coordination:
Timoteo Simone
Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and International Growth Center (IGC)
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and Centrode Investigação e Transferência de Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário (CITT)
The full content was originally published in Novafrica.org