9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
11. Sustainable cities and communities
17. Partnerships for the goals
Nova SBE launches a program focused on innovation and sustainability
In an era marked by increasing environmental concerns and the pressing need for sustainable development, the concept of a green economy has emerged as a promising direction toward a future that is both environmentally sustainable and economically prosperous.
To support this vision, Nova SBE launched the first edition of the “Future Cities, Future Communities Innovation Accelerator” program. This initiative, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to sustainability, aims to explore and address the challenges of the green economy and sustainability through interdisciplinary collaboration, fostering creativity and innovation for future cities and communities. The program is divided into three different areas: Carbon Neutrality & Net Zero, Urban Living, Proximity & Community Journey Services and Construction, Infrastructure & Architecture, couting with Banco Primus, Cascais City Council, ACA Group, Brisa Group, Jerónimo Martins/Pingo Doce, LTPLabs, MoraisLeitão, Schréder, and SIBS as partners companies.
The Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem accelerator program entails intensive months of collaboration between participants and partner companies,with two registration phases: the first one, currently underway, is tailored for startups and SMEs, and the second, starting on April 15, is open to students and researchers.
A Sharing Day is scheduled for July 2nd, offering all participants an opportunity to present their achievements and insights gained throughout the program.
If you're interested, please feel free to join the program via this website: https://novasbe.maglr.com/future-cities-future-communities?_gl=1*1buxwkl*_ga*MTk1NzQzNDcwOC4xNzEwMDcyMTA2*_ga_NRJH2682FN*MTcxMDc4NzI1NS42LjEuMTcxMDc4ODA1NC41Mi4wLjA.&_ga=2.211330517.1703397979.1710787255-1957434708.1710072106