12. Responsible consumption and production

2. Zero hunger
Meet Smriti Singh, a Nova SBE student, won the COLife Hackathon under the topic Future Food Challenge!
COLife, analliance of six life science research institutes, organized its first hackathondedicated to world food problems, and Smriti Sanjaykumar Singh, from NovaSchool of Business & Economics (Nova SBE) student, was one of the bigwinners.
Under the topic “Future Food Challenge”,COLife held its first hackathon, aimed at university students from differentareas of expertise, last March 27. Nova SBE student Smriti Sanjaykumar Singhwas one of the big winners by working, alongside her team, on a solution togrow crops in previously uncultivable areas with seawater using bacteria.
Find more about it here.