9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

17. Partnerships for the goals
Digital Acceleration Index @ Scale Portugal
Digitization is one of the biggest economic challenges in the world today. The Google-BCG study, launched in 2019and entitled "The impact of digitization on the Portuguese economy", came to demonstrate the strategic importance and the implicit value of accelerating the impact of digitization on the Portuguese economy and its business fabric. In this sense, BCG, Google and Nova SBE defined the objective of measuring the digitization of the economy in Portugal, using the DAI survey- Digital Acceleration Index, a benchmark tool developed by BCG and adapted to the Portuguese context by Nova SBE, which has already has been used in more than 5,000 organizations.
Additionally, we aim to help respondents from both sectors (public and private) to understand where they are in their digital journeys, even in comparison with their national and international peers. With the help of DAI, organizations can assess their digital maturity, identifying their strengths and weaknesses in the business's various dimensions.
DAI also provides actionable insights that can act as facilitators of defining and developing digital strategies in a targeted manner, allowing them to identify opportunities to accelerate the digital transformation journey. Respondents will also be able to monitor their progress through subsequent DAI. This diagnostic tool is based on a questionnaire that helps determine the performance of companies in the main parameters of digital maturity and is focused on six key areas:
- Digitally oriented business strategy
- Successful digitalization of business models
- New areas of digital growth
- New working methods
- Leveraging the power of data and technology
- Ecosystem integration
This study is the beginning of acritical monitoring process for the competitiveness of our country's economy.