Leadership & People
Opinion Article
Editorial from
Inclusive Community Forum
The Inclusive Community Forum is a Nova SBE initiative, aiming to promote a more inclusive society for people with disabilities through structured initiatives that encourage their active participation in the community.
July 16, 2024
8. Decent work and economic growth

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

10. Reduced inequalities

Reduce inequalities within countries and between countries

Companies are every day more likely to risk.

Isabel Almeida e Brito e Margarida Castro Caldas shared with PME Magazine the role that the Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) has been playing towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market.

Isabel Almeida e Brito e Margarida Castro Caldas shared with PME Magazine the role that the Inclusive Community Forum (ICF) has been playing towards the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market. The community involvement and the growing commitment of companies towards inclusion, has been key to start transforming the recruitment market, and impressive for ICF to testify. Get to know more about ICF and its partners committed to inclusion, reading this article or checking the project's website.”

Inclusive Community Forum
The Inclusive Community Forum is a Nova SBE initiative, aiming to promote a more inclusive society for people with disabilities through structured initiatives that encourage their active participation in the community.

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