Editorial from
Pedro Oliveira
Holder of the Gulbenkian Chair Professor at Nova SBE, and the Founder and President of Patient Innovation
July 16, 2024
8. Decent work and economic growth

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

When innovation goes viral

If necessity is the mother of inventions, it makes sense that contexts of high necessity (such as a pandemic) are also prolific in innovation. We will discuss compelling cases of innovation from different contexts of high necessity, including the ongoing Covid-19 emergency.

If necessity is the mother of inventions, it makes sense that contexts of high necessity (such as a pandemic) are also prolific in innovation. We will discuss compelling cases of innovation from different contexts of high necessity, including the ongoing Covid-19 emergency.

Pedro Oliveira
Holder of the Gulbenkian Chair Professor at Nova SBE, and the Founder and President of Patient Innovation

Keep reading

The Breakaway Strategy

Escaping business as usual when nothing is usual anymore. The culture and the technology to drive the future. A conversation about innovation, culture, and technology: a fast intro to innovation methods and cases, complemented by a set of recommended books for those willing to dive deeper.

Nova SBE at European Researchers' Night 2023!

Nova SBE was represented at European Researchers’ Night 2023, in Lisbon by the Open & User Innovation (OUI) and Leadership for Impact (LFI) Knowledge Centers (KC).

Nova SBE at the Youth and Innovation Forum

Daniel Traça participated in the Youth and Innovation Forum at the United Nations Ocean Conference.

Designing learning experiences for meaningful impact

In this episode of the Design Thinking Roundtable, Professor Anne-Laure Fayard with Ayah Younis discussed human-centred design and how it can improve people’s lives.


Weaving Empowerment: The Jaipur Rugs Revolution

Join us in this insightful episode as we explore the inspiring journey of Jaipur Rugs, a pioneering enterprise transforming lives through innovation in the carpet industry.

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