Editorial from
Renato Nunes Rosa
Scientific Coordinator of the NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center - Principal Investigator at Nova SBE
July 16, 2024
13. Climate action

13. Climate action

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

14. Life below water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

SARDINHA2020: An ecosystem approach to sardine fisheries management

Sardinha2020 aims at contributing to further integrate economics into fishery policy advice.

This project combines the efforts of a large group of scientists with the final aim of delivering a Management Plan for the Portuguese purse-seiner fishery. The main task to be developed by Nova SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center is to develop a bioeconomic model for this fleet. By doing this project aims at contributing to integrate economics into fishery policy advice further. In particular, the bioeconomic model will be used to derive harvest control rules that endogenously capture economic aspects while using a population model framework based on most fish stock assessments and fishery management plans. Building upon the project's results, the bioeconomic model will be extended to account for interactions between species and environmental impacts on targeted fish populations. By doing so, we also aim to contribute to fostering the use of an ecosystem approach tofisheries management.

Partner: Instituto Português doMar e da Atmosfera

Funded by the ProgramaOperacional MAR 2020

Renato Nunes Rosa
Scientific Coordinator of the NOVA SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center - Principal Investigator at Nova SBE

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SARDINHA2020: An ecosystem approach to sardine fisheries management

Sardinha2020 aims at contributing to further integrate economics into fishery policy advice.

NovaSBE's students at the UNESCO's Earth University

After winning the "Team Up for Climate" competition by Fundação Egis, a group of NovaSBE's students was invited to present their project at UNESCO's Earth University

Design Research for Sustainability

In this episode, Anne Laure Fayard talks to Joana Casaca Lemos, a design researcher passionate about sustainability innovation, who shared her view on design for sustainability and related terms like planet-centered design and circular design. Click here to learn more about the podcast and the episode.

Land Use Change in the Urban-Rural-Forest Interface

Nova SBE Environmental Economics Knowledge Center research project aims to model private agents’ decisions about whether and when to convert their lands either to reversible or irreversible uses for policy purposes.


Nova SBE awarded at the 1st edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards

Professors Miguel Ferreira and José Tavares and Nova SBE PhD student Sharmin Sazedj were awarded the first edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards, where they represented Nova SBE

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