
15. Life on land

8. Decent work and economic growth
Nova SBE Environmental Knowledge Center at AERNA 2022
The X Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resources Economics happened from the 1st to the 3rd of September in Universitat de Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain.
There were presented two papers of the Nova SBE Environmental Knowledge Center:
“Crowdfunding vs. Taxes: Does the payment vehicle influence WTP for Ecosystem Services protection?” by Carina Vieira da Silva, Margarida Ortigão, Til Dietrich, Ana Faria, Luís Catela Nunes, Renato Rosa, Antonieta Cunha-e-Sá;
"The Economic Value of Land-Based Ecosystem Services in Portugal: A Spatially Explicit Approach" by João Seixo, Carina Vieira da Silva; Filipe S. Campos, Pedro Cabral, Luís Catela Nunes, Antonieta Cunha-e-Sá.