Impactful stories
Editorial from
Nova Social Consulting
July 16, 2024
14. Life below water

14. Life below water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

impACT stories #4: Nature & People – A Journey Towards Double Impact

This impACT story invited Catarina Grilo, Director of Conservation and Policy at ANP/WWF. Throughout her career, Catarina's work has been focused on environmental issues at the science-policy interface, the role of science in policy-making, and specifically on the human dimensions of marine conservation and fisheries.

This impACT story invited Catarina Grilo, Director of Conservation and Policy at ANP/WWF. Throughout her career, Catarina's work has been focused on environmental issues at the science-policy interface, the role of science in policy-making, and specifically on the human dimensions of marine conservation and fisheries. She received an honorable mention by the Terre de Femmes award in 2015 for her role in creating Portugal’s first community-supported fishery, a seafood direct marketing initiative established through a partnership between fishers and an environmental NGO.

Nova Social Consulting

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“How does Climate Change Affect Firm Sales? Identifying Supply Effects”

This is the title of the paper Miguel Ferreira presented at the 49th European Finance Association. Click here to read the abstract and access the paper!

Pioneering recycling: deposit return on campus and across Portugal

Demand for single-use cans and bottles is growing each year, but many of these containers end up in our oceans, streets, and landfills. Deposit return systems seek to combat this waste by offering a financial incentive for consumers to return their empty beverage containers for recycling. As Portugal gets ready to launch national deposit return legislation, Nova SBE is pioneering its own container deposit program.

NovaSBE at the United Nations Ocean Conference

Antonieta Cunha e Sá participated in the United Nations Ocean Conference, where she was a moderator and spoke on Economics, Sustainability and Climate Change

impACT stories #4: Nature & People – A Journey Towards Double Impact

This impACT story invited Catarina Grilo, Director of Conservation and Policy at ANP/WWF. Throughout her career, Catarina's work has been focused on environmental issues at the science-policy interface, the role of science in policy-making, and specifically on the human dimensions of marine conservation and fisheries.


Nova SBE awarded at the 1st edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards

Professors Miguel Ferreira and José Tavares and Nova SBE PhD student Sharmin Sazedj were awarded the first edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards, where they represented Nova SBE

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