Research insight
Editorial from
Thomas Rudolf Maximilian Husse
Thomas Husse is a Nova SBE MSc in Finance alumnus.
July 16, 2024
12. Responsible consumption and production

12. Responsible consumption and production

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

8. Decent work and economic growth

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

“Responsible Minus Irresponsible (RMI) - A determinant of equity risk premia?”

Read the ESG-related thesis of a student that recently won a CFA Society Portugal award.

2nd place - CFA Society Portugal Award

“Responsible Minus Irresponsible (RMI) - A determinant of equity risk premia?”

This study is a novel approach to explain the relationship between ESG and financial performance. It adopts a new method for constructing an ESG-size portfolio that eliminates the inherent correlation between size and ESG. This is a zero initial investment portfolio which goes long in responsible companies and short in irresponsible companies, called” Responsible Minus Irresponsible” (RMI). The findings suggest that ESG represents a pricing anomaly but does not act as an independent risk factor that can be used to in Asset Pricing Theory. During the Corona crisis, the RMI portfolio produced on average negative returns.

Thomas Rudolf Maximilian Husse
Thomas Husse is a Nova SBE MSc in Finance alumnus.

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Nova SBE awarded at the 1st edition of the EFFAS Gasperini Awards

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